Assassin's Creed III: Liberation

30 Oct 2012

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 PlayStation Vita
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6.9 rating
663 want
2230 played
113 playing
73 reviews
Ubisoft Sofia
Ubisoft Milan
Ubisoft Entertainment


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

8h 18m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 5 answers

Introducing Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD, the striking chapter of the pre-American Revolution Assassin’s Creed saga which arrives for the first time on HD consoles and PC. With improved gameplay, a deeper story, and HD graphics, Liberation is an immersive and full Assassin’s Creed experience.

slide 1 to 4 of 5
Worst AC I played so far. It's boring and more boring. No more words...
11 Mar 2024
So bored and repetitive... unfinished
08 Jan 2023
it was great, some things could've been better especially the final boss should have been more hinted throughout the story to make more sense. but it was fun! a lot of locations, special weapons and fun missions I don't know why it is so hated and I looove aveline
for a dlc this is excellent!
31 Oct 2024
Underrated game for sure
05 May 2024
El peor Assassin's Creed
27 Sep 2023
It's not awful. Not amazing, but nothing super special. I liked the main character and some of her story, but a lot of it was goofy stupid overly-looping shit that doesn't really ever try to explain itself. The gameplay is pretty much what you'd expect. It's mostly smoother than you'd expect (I played the remaster) but the controls get weird and finicky sometimes, especially when swimming for some reason. I thought the whole "personas" concept was cool and added an interesting layer, but in practice it kinda just either slowed stuff down with tedium or was hardly noticeable. Only a few missions did it really add to. The ending is also all over the place and wacky. A lot of the story itself is just messy and disjointed as a whole. Exploring the Bayou was fun but kinda 2 dimensional. On the whole I had an okay time with it but it's hardly worth much attention.
17 May 2023
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