Resident Evil 4

11 Jan 2005

Nintendo GameCube
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8.2 rating
601 want
3899 played
185 playing
158 reviews
Capcom Production Studio 4


Time to beat

Main story

14h 42m

Main story + extras

20h 20m

100% completion

Based on 9 answers

Resident Evil 4 is the sixth installment of the Resident Evil series praised as a revolution from the core games. It was the first title to implement a third-person view rather than the original fixed camera angles its predecessors had. Its mechanics have been completely revamped to incorporate fast-paced gunplay, quick controls and shoot-outs involving massive crowds of enemies in more open areas. The brand-new AI system and open environments allow enemies to work together to capture and corner Leon. Enemies are now humans, which allows them to climb up ladders, open doors, and use weapons throughout the game. Resident Evil 4 had one of the most tormented developments in any game, four proposed versions of the game were discarded by the developers before the finished product was released.

Remember the thing I said about Sin and Punishment last December. How mesmerized I was by that game, like to a point when I was not playing Sin and Punishment I was thinking about playing Sin and Punishment, well the same stands for RE4.

I think at this point we all know how great the gameplay of re4 is. Serving as a bridge between the tank control og trilogy and the over the shoulder view of the games to come, it brings the best of both world.
The single stick control with not being able to move while aiming preserves the on the edge tension of the classics and the amount of weaponary + the shoulder view also makes gunplay less janky while also progressing the combat of the series.

The level design are marvellous. It knows when to give you less enemies, when to give you more enemies, when to give you some downtime, when to give you a boss fight, and when to give you some puzzles. Like in terms of level designing, this is a fucking masterpiece. Always making sure that you are aware of your surrounding and on your feet, but also knowing when to go full arcadey like that minecart or truck section to amp up your slow surviving combat so far to a satisfying ramp up.

I just fucking love this game. Best part, in its entirety of 20 hour runtime, at no point did i felt bored. At no point i felt it was padding for the sake of padding. Like that classic feeling of escaping a dangerous environment is still there, the horror is still there (despite some people crying online that is action. Like dude, all re games are action horror. Yes, this one's more Dog Solider and the terminator kind of action-horror than something super claustrophobic like John Carpenter's the thing or Ridley Scott's Alien, but there's still atmosphere, the combat is still tense, and if you are the kind of fool who only think something is horror if there's a jumpscare, then there's the fridge exploding one and the regenerator breathing noises) and it is so beautifully mixed with some great bending action sequences, with some good comedic quips in the cutscenes, that it becomes the perfect Action-horror-comedy-adventure mixture of a game, and I absolutely love it. It's escape from NY meets Dagon meets your classic re, and each moment of it brings so much newness and so much joy, that you can just tell by playing it, that it was made by people with top tier talent in the industry.

All in all, the entire world will tell you to play re4, so go play fucking re4. Whether its the og or the remake (haven't played the remake but heard good things about it), it is one of the most unique action and horror experience, that despite having its imitators, it still stands out as a beautiful piece of its own.

Also, whoever said ashley is annoying needs to be stoned. She is a good girl, and she will do whatever you tell her to do. Like seriously, if you are a good player then you would know when and how to command ashley, in which case you will never or mostly never have to save her from getting kidnapped in the middle of the game. So if you complain that ashleyy gets kidnapped too much, well buddy, that's a skill issue. Sorry but you dumb.
She is the cutest little puppy, and I won't hear a single bad word about her.

Anyway, yeah, its bloody re4. Go and play it.
17 Jan 2024
Simply one of the greatest games of all time
05 Oct 2023
16 Jan 2023
Really cool game, although not my favourite
25 Sep 2022
I wanted to cry, not because it's bad, but because I suck at the mechanics
24 Jul 2022
I've played this game way too much
10 Aug 2024
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