Kirby's Dream Land 2

21 Mar 1995

Game Boy Nintendo 3DS
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N/A rating
98 want
383 played
31 playing
24 reviews
HAL Laboratory


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Main story + extras

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100% completion

4h 1m
Based on 2 answers

Kirby returns and has joined forces with new friends in this thrilling sequel! The Rainbow Bridges that connect the seven Rainbow Islands have disappeared! Help Kirby solve the mystery! Search through the different islands while battling King DeDeDe and his horde of evil minions. Along the way, meet Rick the Hamster, Kine the Fish, and Coo the Owl. Each possesses important abilities that can multiply the magnitude of Kirby's powers! Earn the mysterious Rainbow Sword, and prepare to face Kirby's most menacing rival ever--the evil Dark Matter!

These gameboy games are really something! If you defeated Dark Matter... You're a hero!
11 Mar 2025
[GameBoy Color]
It's okay. It's a solid platform and some boss fights are really tought (the bosses have some sick combos), but I feel like the GameBoy screen was too small for the level design they decided to go with. The levels are always full of enemies and there are so many elements on such a tiny screen at the same time that I can't actually think you can play this with a normal GameBoy without dying repeatetly, because one single wrong movement can cost your game.
I mean, this is Kirby, not fricking Dark Souls, it should be accesible for everyone. It wasn't so hard for me, but I imagine a kid would just quit this game out of rage after losing for the 40th time to King DDD.
09 Feb 2023
Kirby's Dreamland 2 is the second game in the GB Kirby series. This game had you traversing various planets, to defeat King DeeDee and collect the rainbow drops. Doing so unlocks the true ending, allowing you to 100% the game.

This was an interesting one. Kirby can absorb his enemies powers after inhaling them, unlike the first Dreamland game. You also have access to a group of pals (a fish, a hamster, and a bird) which act like an extra suit of armour, and each pal benefits differently from upgrades Kirby can inhale. The boss fights in this game are excellent with some challenging encounters, one of the major plus' of the game. The big downside here is the random rainbow road drops, and specific encounters to 100% the game, and unlock the true boss, which takes some RNG and can be quite frustrating.

Past that, a solid Kirby platformer, and worth a go if you are a fan of the little hero.
Rating ⭐️ 7.5/10
26 Jan 2025
Harder than the first game with some frustrating levels but it has hampter
31 Jul 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed this game a lot. It’s definitely more difficult than the first dreamland, and offers a lot more levels and bosses. I like hoe they added both the copy ability and animals to ride on (Rick the hamster is my fave).
When you collect all 7 Rainbow drops, then you get to fight the true last boss and unlock the real ending. Very challenging last fight.
Excellent game overall for the GameBoy.
28 Jul 2024
Te preguntarás: ¿qué coño hago jugando a este juego? Sí, este juego tiene más años que Matusalén. 1 9 9 5. Se dice pronto.

Lo bueno:
+ Con respecto al primer juego, añade mundos con temática, el mundo del viento, del agua... En vez de ser un juego de 2 horas como el primero, este avanza hasta las 5-6h
+ Nace la habilidad de obtener habilidades mediante absorción de Kirby. Bastante original.
+ Incorporación de monturas, lo que le da un plus de calidad. Team Rick (el hámster)

Lo malo:
× Al ser tan viejo, este juego está EN BLANCO Y NEGRO. Si juegas en Retroarch hay un patch de colores (aunque no es útil)
× A niveles avanzados se vuelve imposible (típico de los juegos viejos, de ahí a que no lo terminase)
× Poca evolución con respecto su anterior entrega. Incluso reutilizan el jefe del árbol.

Simplemente si no quieres jugar a este juego, puedes hacerlo. No te pierdes nada. Recomiendo mil veces el primero, por su banda sonora y jugabilidad más asequible.

Empezado: 4 de enero de 2025
Finalizado: 6 de enero de 2025
23 Jan 2025
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