Crash Bandicoot

09 Sep 1996

PlayStation 3 PlayStation Portable PlayStation Vita PlayStation
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7.5 rating
375 want
4605 played
184 playing
179 reviews
Naughty Dog
Sony Computer Entertainment
Universal Interactive Studios


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100% completion

Based on 13 answers

Crash Bandicoot is the first installment in the Crash Bandicoot series that established Naughty Dog's reputation in the video game industry. Its premises chronicle the creation of the titular Crash, a bandicoot who has been uplifted by the mad scientist Doctor Neo Cortex. The goal of Crash Bandicoot is to traverses several levels in sequence in order to progress. The game is played from a third-person perspective in which the camera trails behind Crash, though some levels showcase forward-scrolling and side-scrolling perspectives. Crash is able to defeat enemies by either jumping on them or using a spinning attack that launches them.

Yall ever played a game that is so frustrating but you keep going cause you're petty? Yes this is that game. It's so easy to die every single level is challenging there is no easy or medium difficulty it's at a 100 from the beginning to the end. Some boss fights are very difficult and some are fairly obvious, silly and easy. This is the start of an iconic franchise and a much beloved character. But yea this game will make you wanna rage quit and slam your console on a wall.
28 Jan 2024
Still my favourite crash game(i think.. maybe) it holds so well and it having no extra powerups is in my opinion a good thing. its not too long and the platforming feels good but I di have to add that the bosses are not that great they're like extrimely simple but yeah still a lot of fun.
30 Nov 2024
The bosses are felt really dull,and unfortunately sometimes the game design was a bit bland,but i had a crazy blast with it still
20 Nov 2024
My childhood, a great platforming game must be played
01 Sep 2024
10 Apr 2024
"Whoa!" (get used to hearing that), responsive controls but hard and an unforgiven level design where the smallest mistake will get you killed, and while some levels are a blast to playthrough and have a good balance between difficulty and challenge others feel frustrating forcing you to take a slower approach to keep your lives, which takes from the game flow (the most fun part of it) turning it to a waiting manifesto, and the camera sometimes feels like another obstacle to pass do to the awkward angles, but despite all that the game keeps you coming back and trying again do to that satisfying gameplay and those moments when you are cruising through the level after you figured it out a little bit

the levels (other then being difficult) offer a good amount of variety and ideas to the gameplay, one level you can be simply platforming and the next running from boulders or riding a hog or one of my favorites the lights level..ect, and while the camera can be placed a bit better in some of them (yes you boulders) , they still keep the gameplay fresh and enjoyable

I like the visual design of the bosses and the way you fight them even though they are not a very good reminiscent to the levels before them they offer a nice change of pace, and while some can be a bit confusing to figure out how to deal with at first glance, once you do they are mostly simple

overall the game isn't perfect and lacks a bit of difficulty balancing in a good chuck of the levels and even some of the better ones have sections of them that make you scratch your head, with wacky camera positioning in other ones, but... despite the flaws one thing the game doesn't lack is character, the sounds, soothing music and the visual design of the levels and the characters (at least most of them) gives a nice cohesive experience where every thing seems to blend together nicely and like mentioned before the satisfying gameplay (if you are winning that is) makes this a hard but still a solid 3D platformer to play
27 Mar 2024
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