Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!

18 Nov 1996

Wii Super Nintendo Entertainment System Wii U Super Famicom New Nintendo 3DS
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7.0 rating
256 want
1254 played
48 playing
61 reviews


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Monkey Mayhem Lives On! Kiddy Kong is a portly primate toddler with incredible power and agility! He teams up with Dixie Kong to stop the ever-present army of Kremlings. The game play and ACM graphics just keep getting better in this visually stunning installment in one of the most popular video game series of all time! Combining their unique abilities as they throw each other into action, Dixie Kong and Kiddy Kong set off to rescue Diddy Kong and Donkey Kong. Collect tons of treasure, grab billions of bananas and find more secret stuff than you've ever seen (or not seen) as you set off on the greatest DKC adventure yet! The final showdown with KAOS takes place in a cliff-top laboratory at the End of the World. It could get seriously ugly. Monkey mayhem lives on in this exotic island adventure!

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Maybe dkc 2 just toughened me up a bunch but good god this is an easy game. However it's really fun. Passing through levels in a flash feels so exhilarating helped in large by Dixie's signature hair twirl. There's nothing more satisfying then finding the perfect spot in a level to glide on through, it rewards the player heavily if you manage to keep her alive long in levels. Poor kiddys nothing more than a monkey shield for her. Overall a good time but misses some of the challenge the dkc games are known for.
25 Nov 2023
While a solid game, it's the weakest in the DKC trilogy. Something about the level design quality here dropped coming from DKC2. Some parts feel straight up unfair, which never was an issue in the previous 2 game. Also the variety of locales aren't as interesting. Despite the flaws, it's still the same great DKC gameplay so there is some fun to be had.
19 Jun 2023
Worst of the trillogy I really didn't enjoy it
13 Nov 2023
Not as good as DKC2 or 1, but still a fun game if you like the franchise. It also has new world mechanics.
24 Sep 2023
Played: 8 hours 47 minutes
Record: 105% completed
Platform: SNES
23 Jun 2023
Booty Bird
09 Apr 2023
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