Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

21 Nov 1995

Wii Super Nintendo Entertainment System Wii U Super Famicom New Nintendo 3DS
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7.0 rating
269 want
1552 played
72 playing
80 reviews


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100% completion

9h 7m
Based on 5 answers

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest is the sequel to Donkey Kong Country. It was developed by Rare and is one of the best selling Super Nintendo games.

The most memorable experience of my life

Thank you Rare!
26 Nov 2024
Along with Chrono Trigger, this game remains as one of the best soundtracks in SNES. It is challenging, fun and epic!
28 Dec 2023
Donkey Kong Country 2 is basically a step up in almost every way compared to the first one. King K. Rool kidnaps Donkey Kong and now you have play as Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong to save him. I find Diddy & Dixie to be a better dynamic than DK & Diddy. Diddy feels like a better all-rounder compared to DK and Dixie feels like the easy character you want to save for harder occasions. I really like the Team-Up mechanics the game introduced where you can give a Piggyback ride to one of the Kongs and then they can be thrown to reach higher areas or to defeat enemies from afar. In this game, collectibles and secrets are WAY better compared to the first one. Each level has collectible items to find so you can unlock secret levels. In the previous game getting a 100% didn't mean anything so I'm glad you can actually unlock something in this game. I also love the setting of the game, it feels like the Kremlins won and now you have to travel to a Kremlin-infected world to save Donkey Kong. The first world being the last level of the previous game is such an awesome idea. All the worlds in this game could be considered final worlds in other games, like the second world of this game is a lava/volcano theme! The levels in this game can get very intense, some of the hardest levels in the franchise. Each level also has Bonus Rooms, a small challenge for you to complete so you can earn a Kremlin Coin. This has to be the best Bonus Rooms in the entire series, they all have different fun challenges to beat. I also want to mention that the bosses in this game are very fun. The only one didn't like was King Zing but other than that the rest were great; my favorite one being Kaptain K Rool. The difficulty and fun themes of the levels make this such an enjoyable platforming experience... However, there's something damning this game has. Its Saving System. This has to be the worst saving system I've seen in a video game. You can only save when you reach Kong Kollege. The first time you visit you can have ONE free save, after that, you must use banana coins to save every time. This is such a frustrating system when you consider this is a very hard game where when you get a Game Over you lose all your Banana Coins. So you're in constant panic trying to get Banana Coins in each level which makes it more prone to mess up and die. I would save after every level make it so I wouldn't have many Banana Coins. I cannot understand the thought process the developers had for making this save system. The first time I played this game I got very frustrated because of the save system that I would rage quit. I ended up using Save States at the beginning of the level just to not deal with lives and the save system. It took me to come back to start a fresh new file and 100% the game after beating Donkey Kong Country 1 again to finally start enjoying the game. The game wasn't as hard as my first playthrough because I just finished beating the first game before it. I didn't have to save after every level, I would only save when I needed to and managed to save a lot of Banana Coins. I still won't defend this save system though. This is really my only major gripe with the game, making it the main reason why I won't give it a 10/10.
I don't wanna end this so negatively, so let me say one last great thing this game has before ending. The music in this game is spectacular, it has a surreal feeling making it easy to lose yourself in the music. After listening to the music in the game, it's gonna make you want to search the soundtrack on YouTube and join all the millennials in the comments talking about the "good old days" lmao.

So now let me give a brief summary and my Pros & Cons.

In this game I've accomplished:
- All 47 levels beaten
- All Kreimcoins collected
- All 40 Cranky's Video Game Hero Coins collected

+ Great 2D Platforming movement.
+ Amazing and tough levels with fun rewarding collectibles to get.
+ Fantastic setting.
+ Spectacular music.

- Lives and Banana Coins reset after you close the game.
- The worst saving system I've ever seen in a video game. I won't even shame you if you decide to use save states to not bother with it.

That's all! Thanks for reading out my opinion.
24 Jul 2024
Another game teenage me hated. This games okay however the difficulty does teader on being fucking bullshit. I also really hate saving in this game. In my opinion the cheapest form of difficulty is having to redo levels cause you ran out of lives. Sure it's stressful but I don't know I want the levels to challenge me not my own patience. The sprite work is still some of my favourite though. Rares use of primative 3d modeling is really appealing to me I don't know. A game I was defintly way to hard on 5 years ago but... I had some merit to my opinion back then.
23 Nov 2023
It's amazing but the collectables still suck
12 Nov 2023
Meilleur Donkey kong country sur SMES
18 Oct 2023
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