Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia

09 Feb 2016

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation Vita PlayStation 4 Xbox One
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5.5 rating
412 want
728 played
75 playing
16 reviews
Climax Studios
Ubisoft Entertainment



Chronicles: Russia will feature the Russian assassin Nikolai Orelov in 1918, during the aftermath of the October Revolution. Orelov wants to leave with his family, but is required to perform one last mission for the Assassin Order: infiltrate the house where the Tsar's family is being held by the Bolsheviks, and steal an artifact that has been fought over by Assassins and Templars for centuries. Along the way, he witnesses the massacre of the Tsar Nicholas II's children, but manages to save the princess, Anastasia. He must escape the Templars while protecting the artifact and Anastasia

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the story was so cool it kept me on edge, there are many new abilities in this one which made it very exciting from the previous ones. sometimes it was too difficult and frustrating even if satisfying and the art style isn't the best one out of the three but I liked it a lot! Anastasia and Nikolai are great characters!
15 Dec 2024
+ Daunting Soundtrack
+ A few of the levels have interesting aspects…

- ... but most of them don't (due to: enemies and their positions; the checkpoints; the paths, etc.)
- Excruciating Gameplay & an almost non-existing, but dull, Combat
- Almost Game-breaking bugs & Level Designs
- Uninteresting Characters
- Uninteresting Plot and its resolves

Final Score: 6.1 / 10
04 Feb 2023
I was prepared to say it's a step up from Chronicles: India, but the last like 3 missions are so fucking broken that I'm fairly sure no one play-tested any of them.

I loved it stylistically, and the gameplay itself still feels smooth and solid, but the level design goes down some horrendous paths, and the story- while better than the previous- just feels like The Last of Us but in Assassin's Creed now
11 Aug 2023
Início: 25/01/24
Finalizado: 25/01/24
25 Jan 2024
كعيوب باقي الاجزاء اللعبه طويلة و فيها تكرار و بالنهاية تجبرك على طريقة اللعب الي هي تبغاها و تصير اصعب بشكل ماهو ممتع
07 Jan 2025
J'ai adoré les épisodes China et India, mais celui-ci est tellement redondant, bourré de bugs (il exige une grande dextérité mais difficile à assumer avec les problèmes de maniabilité récurrents) et surtout pas beau... je préfère l'abandonner avant de devenir cinglé 😅
16 Feb 2025
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