What Remains of Edith Finch

24 Apr 2017

PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac iOS PlayStation 4 Xbox One Nintendo Switch PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S
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8.7 rating
2645 want
8327 played
165 playing
463 reviews
Giant Sparrow
Annapurna Interactive


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

2h 46m
100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 79 answers

What Remains of Edith Finch is a collection of short stories about a cursed family in Washington State. Each story offers a chance to experience the life of a different family member with stories ranging from the early 1900s to the present day. The gameplay and tone of the stories are as varied as the family members themselves. The only constants are that each is played from a first-person perspective and that each story ends with that family member's death. It's a game about what it feels like to be humbled and astonished by the vast and unknowable world around us. You'll follow Edith Finch as she explores the history of her family and tries to figure out why she's the last Finch left alive.

slide 1 to 4 of 6
Absolutely phenomenal and a masterpiece!

The only con that it is too Short..

19 Dec 2021
Man, I went into this completely blind other than the fact that it's supposed to be a great game. Did not expect the emotional damage it would give me
23 Jan 2024
Literally the most heartbreaking game I played in weeks, cried a little bit and Lewis Story really got me hella emotional, definitely would play again even if it crushed my soul
24 Jun 2022
Amazing game. Short but strong
21 Mar 2023
maybe i missed something but this seemed so overrated. beautiful but nothing special about it
14 Sep 2022
What Remains of Edith Finch
✪ {ᏚᏟᏫᏒᎬ : 9.4}
᯽ : “wow.. this was one of the most beautiful stories I've ever lived. :')
When i first started the game and stepped into that forest, i couldn't stop staring at how beautiful it was, that plus the sound design made me feel like I'm actually there, y'know what i mean? I haven't played many games who have been able to do that to me.
When i stepped into the house, i just wanted keep staring at the little small things, it was filled with character through and through, something I've always appreciated in games, and I've never seen one do it as well as this.
It was perfect, from the fantastic soundtrack to the amazing voice acting, the immersive sound design and the gorgeous visuals, to the heartbreaking stories, and the way they were told.
I almost cried at some parts of it, that's alot coming from a numb man.
I felt like i lived every single one of those stories, they touched my heart, i felt for them, i understood them, because i remembered myself...
It didn't feel like a movie, nor a game, i felt like i actually experienced all of it, i mean it.
It grabbed my hand and brought me to it's world
And tho i hated how numb i was, it still managed to cut through my skin.
It was a beautiful experience, a walk through someone's broken memories, shaped like a mysterious house, holding stories of when it used to be home...
I hope i forever remember this experience.”

…   …………….

⋆ Story : 9.3
⋆ Characters : 9.3
𐄁 Voice Acting : 8.5

⋆ Atmosphere : 9.4
⋆ Immersion : 10

• Level Design : 8.6
𐄁 Puzzles : 7.2
𐄁 Difficulty : Easy

• Visuals : 8.8
𐄁 Lighting : 8.7
𐄁 Texture & Details : 7.1
⋆ Environment Design : 9.4

⋆ SoundTrack : 9.2
⋆ Sound Design : 9.6

• Performance : ↑↑↑

𐄁 Replayability : 7.0
𐄁 Innovation : ⍟⍟⍟
𐄁 Accessibility : -
𐄁 Collectibles : -
𐄁 Trophies : 6.7

…   ……………….

𐄁 Do i recommend this game? Definitely.
𐄁 Did it make me take my time with it? Yes.
𐄁 Did it meet my expectations? Surpassed them, by A LOT.

…    ……………………

- Platforms : PS4 Pro
- First Playthrough : 13.6.23
𐄁 Finished at : 13.6.23
𐄁 Playtime : 2h 45′
- Beaten : 2'¹ times
- Trophy Progress : 100℅
⟆⟅ | No Platinum :<
13 Jun 2023
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