Sonic CD

23 Sep 1993

Sega CD PC (Microsoft Windows)
8.5 rating
104 want
606 played
17 playing
23 reviews
Sonic Team



Sonic travels to the distant shores of Never Lake for the once-a-year appearance of Little Planet - a mysterious world where past, present, and future collide through the power of the Time Stones that lie hidden within it. Sonic arrives only to find the once beautiful world imprisoned beneath a twisted metallic shell. His arch-nemesis, Dr. Eggman, has come for the Time Stones and with them, will soon have the power to control time itself! In order to put an end to Dr. Eggman’s nefarious schemes, Sonic must use the power of Little Planet to travel through time; breaking Dr. Eggman’s hold over the future by destroying his machines in the past and recovering the missing Time Stones!

The definition of a good spin-off.
08 Nov 2023
Can't really find a problem with game other than some levels
26 Aug 2023
the port really saved this one
25 Sep 2022
Man, this js the worst sonic game i ever played. The graphics are a punch in the eyes, the colors are dirty and ugly, the music of the boss fight is creepy as fuck. I don't recommend it, especially to sonic fans...
17 Apr 2022
its just ok. the music is pretty good, and the idea of Sonic time traveling is still cool, but the level design is pretty ass.
13 Mar 2022
the gameplay is kinda fun and the art design is kinda cool and kinda boring at the same time

but the thing i won't understand is how is this game considered the best sonic game or the best 2d sonic game
01 Sep 2020
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