Spyro the Dragon

09 Sep 1998

PlayStation PlayStation 3 PlayStation Portable
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1712 played
36 playing
35 reviews
Insomniac Games
Sony Computer Entertainment
Universal Interactive Studios
Sony Interactive Entertainment


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Spyro the Dragon is a platform game developed by Insomniac Games for the PlayStation. It stars the title character, a young purple dragon named Spyro and his dragonfly friend, Sparx, and is the first game in the Spyro the Dragon series. The first game was massively popular at its initial release and Spyro would later become one of the most recognizable, popular and respected gaming icons for the PlayStation gaming console. Spyro's best friend, Sparx the dragonfly, acts like the player's health meter and assists in gathering gems. The various dragons Spyro unfreezes along the way are also key characters in Spyro's progression through the game. Gnasty Gnorc is the main antagonist, who froze all the dragons of the land in crystal.

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Spyro the Dragon is a technical and artistic marvel. Its revolutionary LOD/draw distance technology made for an unprecedented sense of openness in a 3D game. That, paired with a visual direction that serves as a masterclass in color theory, a wonderful score by the drummer of The Police, and the cutest mascot on the block—Spyro was a recipe for success. As a platformer, the movement is simple but effective. Gliding is so much fun. The way certain levels set up faux boundaries only to shatter them with crazy glide spots is so cool. It feels like sequence breaking in all the right ways. Combat is super legible with a simple ruleset of large enemies requiring flame breath, and silver armor needing to be charged. The game always abides by this simple rule, and it meant that I was never confused on how to take an enemy down. Charging as both an attack and a movement option just feels sooooo good. The supercharger ramps were neat, and you could chain them together to get to insane speeds and clear enormous gaps. This was cool until they took it too far in Tree Tops (all my homies hate Tree Tops). The flying levels are SO HARD, but I came to really enjoy them. I like that all targets could be taken out in any order, so you could really strategically plan out an optimal route. Bosses are just kinda nothing, though. I can hardly even classify them as bosses actually. Also, I think the fairy kiss rage is super underutilized and kinda lame. I think this game is one of the most rewarding 3D platformers to 100%. Upon full completion, an entire bonus level is unlocked that is overflowing with thousands of bonus gems to collect. It's a blast. Spyro is a blast! Also, Sparx is gaming's greatest healthbar. And why is the sound design so good?? The sound Sparx makes when eating butterflies is like a dulcet tone to my ears.

A wise dragon once told me: "Aim high in life, but watch out for flying boxes."
16 May 2024
Well that was a surprise,I wasn't into it.I was really looking forward to play this game,since I didn't play many platformer games,and for the most part it was good.It started ok,Spyro felt like one of those chill games where you turn off your brain from everything and have fun,problem is from some reason I lost interest after Beast Makers level.Later levels become more frustrating rather than being fun.Gameplay was simple,you collect gems jumping around levels,free dragons and move on to next location.Level design is beautiful,colors and artstyle was awesome,you can kill enemies in one hit.Story was almost non-existing,outside of first and last cutscene,there was nothing else. I do wish there were more cutscenes,I don't like when it's just gameplay alone or too much cutscenes,I like balance between the two.Later levels feel like a chore to complete.OST was nice,very atmospheric.If you are fan of platformers this game is a must play,I do wish I was more interested in this game
12 Feb 2025
This game is perfect and the remastere made it better 😳
02 Jan 2024
The pinnacle of my childhood.
Still holds up today.

A true joy to play through
10 Jun 2024
10/10. 100/100
As a Child: 10/10. 100/100
(PlayStation 1 - Disc)

Beat the PS4 Version from Reignited Trilogy - 1x.

Character Rate (SPYRO THE DRAGON): 84/100
Performance Rate (Voiced by Carlos Alazraqui): 68/100
19 Nov 2023
... I'm pretty sure this game raised me. Another childhood favorite from PS1.

Fly little dragon, FLY!
18 Sep 2023
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