X2: Wolverine's Revenge

14 Apr 2003

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 2 Xbox Mac Nintendo GameCube
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4.5 rating
68 want
160 played
10 playing
6 reviews
GenePool Software
Aspyr Media


Time to beat

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Main story

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100% completion

Based on 1 answers

The action is played from a third-person perspective as players fight a number of armored soldiers, mutant creatures, and archenemies such as Sabretooth, Magneto, Wendigo, Lady Deathstrike, and Juggernaut. While Professor X is able to assist Wolverine with powers of telepathy, the surly comic book hero must ultimately carry out his adventure alone. To that end, players must tap into Wolverine's unique talents to overcome all manner of obstacles. Wolverine will be able to hunt and track his prey using his heightened sense of smell and ability to detect body heat. As Wolverine makes his way through the military compounds, he will need to avoid defense systems and guards, and find ways into locked rooms to discover the information he needs to survive.

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Played on: Playstation 2
Version: Playstation 2
Edition: Physical

So nostalgic but...so bad. It's even weirder that Mark Hamill voices him. Weird. Anyways, it was cool at the time but now it's reallllllyy bad to look back on.

Final verdict: Don't touch it
16 Jun 2022
Not bad, but too tough.
21 Aug 2022
Asiri kanser gorevleri var mantij yok bide bi yerde bi suru adam var can itemi falan vermiyo oynamayin ismet dogan bu oyun kotu haberin olsun
13 Aug 2024
16 Feb 2024
A versão de GBA é divertida, mas não de destaca muito. Não há muita variedade de inimigos, a trilha não é nada demais. Ele joga bem seguro. Acho um jogo bonito do console e o combate é ok. Gosto dos controles e o design da maioria das fases. O jogo é um bom passatempo, mas nada mais q isso. O final boss, entretanto, é bastante anticlimático.
GBA (zerado)
27 Feb 2023
07 Jan 2023
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