Star Fox 64

27 Apr 1997

Nintendo 64 Wii Wii U
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8.7 rating
178 want
885 played
23 playing
35 reviews
Nintendo EAD



The update to the 16-bit Super NES title continues the original's on-rails 3D shooting action on the Nintendo 64. Starring Fox McCloud, Peppy Hare, Falco Lombardi, and Slippy Toad, this new 64-bit version contains 15 plus levels, easy, medium, and difficult paths, forward-scrolling levels as well as full 3D realms, and a three-part multiplayer mode using a four-player split screen. In addition to plenty of Arwing action, the game introduces a new hover tank and even features a submarine level. The 8-megabyte cartridge also boasts voice samples from 23 different characters instead of the original's animal noises. Star Fox 64 was the first game to feature Rumble Pak support. A Rumble Pak bundle and standalone version of the game were sold. Released in Europe under the name Lylat Wars.

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Easily my favourite N64 game of all time. Starfox 64 feels infinitely replayable and is something I can always come back to every few months.

The arcadey 3D shooter feel has been perfected on the N64. The controls are responsive as fuck. Shooting things is the most satisfying shooting has felt. Music is amazing. Graphics are charming even to this day. The fact that every playthrough can be different as there are different level paths. Nintendo really got the formula right with this one, but sadly never came close again.

Fun fact: back in the day, my cousins used to play this all the time, but I really didn't care for it since I had more interest in Adventure type games like Mario and Zelda, but didn't like the idea of rail shooters. Coming back to it, it is now one of my all time favourites.
14 Sep 2023
The best star fox game without a doubt. Easy to pick up and play every so often. The music is good goes well with current moments like the song on the way to fight andros sounds ominous. The gameplay is really fun in the arwing the landmaster is a little sluggish but it's not used very often so not a big problem.
26 Feb 2023
Star Wars for Foxes this is my favorite Nintendo World lore! A quick play through but multiple paths make Foxy so repayable.
10 Feb 2025
Do a barrel roll!
01 Feb 2025
Star Fox 64 was very rough to pick up and understand. I struggled to get a grip on the controls and overwhelming amount the game was throwing at me early on, which tainted my chances of having a more successful playthrough. The bosses are well designed, with a good amount of challenge, yet the clunky controls as well as sections battling the members of Star Wolf made this hard to fully indulge in. It warrants a second, or even third play-through to fully grasp what it is capable of, as I see the potential of something great under the surface level. Should hardly count as a “completed” game due to its arcade style nature.
03 Dec 2024
Such a good game! Beaten the hard course getting the true ending. My favorite Star Fox in the series.

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