
Star Fox 64 3D

17 Jul 2011

Nintendo 3DS
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7.8 rating
123 want
430 played
16 playing
17 reviews
Nintendo EAD Software Development Group No.5
Q-Games Ltd.


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

1h 49m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 3 answers

The Star Fox team triumphantly returns to one of its greatest missions with this remake of Star Fox 64 in full 3D, featuring a complete graphical update. The entire Star Fox universe spreads out realistically into the depths of the Nintendo 3DS screen while the 3D visuals give the player a clearer grasp of distance and position. This makes the game more approachable and intuitive, thereby allowing players to focus on the action.

Star Fox 64 3D is a remake of the N64 title of the same name. Featuring Fox, a star pilot extraordinaire, you pilot a ship in an attempt to recapture territory lost to an evil regime. The gameplay is quite fun, featuring aerial combat and flight, with some fun levels and biss fights. Controls are interesting with joystick aiming, and gyro options, the later of which I found most accessible. The aim reticle itself was annoying to use, and requires some mastery to be able to traverse levels effectively.

Gameplay wise, this is an arcade like flight shooter with high score mechanics and a really sparse story. Your combat wing buddies are there to sponge up enemies for you, which is helpful, but they are also notoriously annoying. The game looks good, with options to flip back and forth between the N64 and remastered graphics - a nice touch. I did encounter some pretty annoying difficulty spikes, with some levels feeling quite challenging, and later levels feeling breezy - a bit weird.

+fun, arcade like aerial combat
+gyro controls are a must, and welcome
+a love letter to the original game

-some annoying difficulty spikes
-the aim reticle is not fun and requires some mastery
-sparse and annoying story and

This is a fun, arcade-y shooter with some clear detractions. Even so, the game was on the whole fun to play, and I am glad to add this one completed list. Some replayability exists in high score chasing and medal collection, and I will be returning. All in all, a 7/10 from me, meaning this was a fun game to play, and I enjoyed it on the whole.
11 Jan 2024
Don't have many comments. It was a good game, but just ended very fast for me...
29 Dec 2023
Great n one of the shortest game I've played
Love the X wings
Love the sunset at the credit
Love the voice acting
One of my favorite game of all time
05 Sep 2024
Mi infancia.
21 Oct 2024
Buen juego,la verdad los juegos de naves no son mi tipo pero este estaba entretenido con sus distintas rutas,diálogos entre Personajes,banda sonora maravillosa,Apartado visual bien hecho, historia simple y buenos controles
29 Sep 2024
Dudo que los controles de una 3ds sean los mejores para un juego de navecitas en 3D.

Seguramente me habría gustado aún más si hubiese sabido jugar "bien", pero me lo he pasado sin problema sin saber siquiera qué estaba haciendo.
Supongo que se le redujo la dificultad respecto a la versión original y por eso no he tenido problema, pero la verdad, no tengo ni idea.

Realmente me traumatizó de pequeño la "teoría" de qje los personajes tenían las piernas amputadas.
18 Sep 2024
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