Star Fox

21 Feb 1993

Super Nintendo Entertainment System Super Famicom
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7.0 rating
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537 played
24 playing
22 reviews
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Based on 4 answers

Star Fox, released as Starwing in Europe, is a 1993 rail shooter video game developed and published by Nintendo, with assistance from Argonaut Software, for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The first game in the Star Fox series, Star Fox follows Fox McCloud and the rest of the Star Fox team defending their homeworld of Corneria against the attacking forces of Andross.

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Played: 3 hours 47 minutes
Record: All Routes, 100%; 140 000 points
Level: Hard
Platform: SNES
09 Mar 2025
Pure arcadey on rails fun. The original Star Fox its quite primitive by today's standards, but if you play the Star Fox EX hack with framerate improvements and QoL features to make it closer to Star Fox 64, this game holds up quite well.

Besides Star Fox 64, there hasn't been an on rails 3D shooter that has felt as satisfying as Star Fox. Everything about this game and series is great. The gameplay, the music the characters. No need to play this one since Star Fox 64 is essentially a remake, but the EX hack is definitely worth playing.
12 Sep 2023
Wow what an impressive game
It's very ass
I'm really fine with old game jank but this is way too shit and for the 2 hours I had with this game I was constantly telling myself "wow I could be playing the N64 version"
04 Jan 2025
Game is pretty fun still from this day. It struggles with frame rates from time to time, but overall, a fun and solid shooter. I’ll have to challenge and beat the other routes to 100% this one sometime.
02 May 2024
Not bad for the start of it's franchise. The game seemed too ambitious for the platform it was on; trying to be 3D without the capabilities to. Graphics were a bit choppy and I would be hit my enemies without knowing why, as it can be hard to make sense of what's happening on the screen at times. Such a short play though, so I'd definitely recommend playing to see where the series started out!
11 Nov 2023
Despite basically being a button mashing game where it's terribly hard to understand what's going on on the screen, this game has its charm.
Being so simple yet entertaining, it also utilize the SNES system to the max, being one of the few 3D games on the console directly published by Nintendo.
19 Jan 2023
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