Resident Evil 6

02 Oct 2012

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
6.4 rating
1240 want
6720 played
357 playing
297 reviews



Resident Evil 6 is the ninth video game installment in the Resident Evil series. It continues the struggle against zombies infected by the new highly virulent C-virus. The game uses the same over-the-shoulder view as Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5, however with a new gameplay mechanic that allows players to slowly move while shoot. Players can select between three scenarios featuring multiple characters and intertwined storylines, and within these scenarios both stories and action cross paths. At key moments during the game, up to four players can join together online to tackle a specific situation, with some stages seeing the usual partnerships swapped to further increase the depth of gameplay.

This isn't a bad game as some call it, but it's definitely a very bad Resident Evil.

They focused more on giving us an action-packed visual show than giving us a good story that had to do with events related to the franchise.
24 Aug 2024
Just like resident evil code veronica, i have aspects of re6 that i am not a fan of, but i mostly find to be a fair and enjoyable game. first things first, i absolutely love the ambition at hand. 4 campaigns all around 6-8 hours long, when combined telling a 30 hour epic linear story is a feat we barely see in single player linear games but this game managed to pull it off with only a few, if albeit contentious, stumbles.
Like the gunplay and the amount of customization for skills is absolutely good, and while it is somewhat slower in pacing to its action than comparison to the utter bombastic nature of re5, i still felt it smooth and responsive. Another thing is that one complain i had for re5, in that a lot of enemies looked a re-tread of re4, is gone. Re6 enemies have their own identity, and some javos like the regenerating ones, and the one that is turtle like muscular giant that rushes at you, managed to reinstall some panic and at times horror at me. Don't get me wrong, this is far from the horror og re 1 to code veronica, or even the atmospheric horror of re4, but it has its moments of tenseness, especially during leon segments. The rain, the narrow tunnels and ship decks, and just how the final form of the boss at ada chapter 4 looks, and the chainsaw javo being this amalgamation of human flesh, is just amazing to witness. Still it has more bombastic set pieces than before, and i honestly quite like them to be honest...including the dinosaur. Yes, i did.
To be honest, i at first thought i would hate its use of qtes as well, considering i hated their use in re5, but i didn't because they felt more delberate and were actually pretty darn cool. So good on that.
The soundtrack and ui, and just how different the pause menus of each character looks like (reflecting their personalities in a way) is just something i fabulously like.
The guns are also awesome, and Ada's crossbow and Jake's elephant killer would go down in history as my favorite weapons in any re game.
However...i have contentions. First being, writing. It has a great epic plot at hand, but the characters lack some scenes for better fleshing out. Like, i liked jake and sherry's relationship but i felt their campaign needed more segments to properly strengthen their bond. Helena had a sad backstory, and the boss fight against deborah is tragic but it doesn't have proper build up and after that chapter, she just gets relegated sideway. The sacrifice of (spoilers) Piers in chris campaign could've been stark trek 2 level of emotional, if chris and piers were better built up as partners because half of their campaigns is piers just telling chris to get his shit together. Ada's campaign was almost perfect in its plot but it properly failed to explain who carla even was and i had to read it through the documents in extra menu to know why carla looks like ada and who she even was. Speaking of documents, you won't find any ingame documents that even managed to show up in re5, instead they are rlegated to extra options, which is sad, because reading documents in an re game is always a way for me to get immerse well into the world and sometimes, notes like the itchy scratchy note from re1 has enhanced the experience in the past and trust me, without how vague some puzzles in the ada segment feel, it could've used with some ingame documents. Also, there are timeskips in jake segment that just feels jarring, and even when all four campaigns are pieced together there are lot of missing pieces that needed to get better ttogether. So yeah, writing wise this game has some frustrating elements to it, especially when it concerns carla and chris's genuinely baffling iq in distinguishing between blue dressed ada and red dressed ada.
Still the levels were fun, and even if they were somehow even more linear than re4 and re5, they were still amazing and i just loved how the entire segments of hong kong look
look. Irl it is one of the most beautiful cities, and it translates well here. The explosions and animations also feel way more polished than re5, and just the smoothness of it all is beautiful to look at.
The small set pieces are also fun, though the cameras were a bit chaotic at a time, but since i have played fixed camera and dynamic camera games before, those segments didn't bother me much.
The sound effects were also amazing and just the General way how enemies sounded felt amazing.
It does have a bad habit of repeating boss fight and the second time fighting simmons and deborah didn't felt even much unique.

Still this game kept me hook for 30 hours straight without boring me ever much, and though it had its frustrations, i walked away in a happy mood. The ada and leon campaign were definitely the strongest, even if the jake campaign was a bit over too quickly and the chris campaign was way too cheesy for my liking. I loved them all anyway, and the bonus mercenaries mode is fun as well, and feel a bit left 4 deady type in its swarm of enemies at points, ngl. We even have an enemy that looks like blotter. Lol.

Anyways, this might be the weakest of mainline re, but still it is an amazing game, ngl.
06 Aug 2024
best resident evil for me
13 Oct 2023
Resident evil 6 where should i start with this
It has one of the best resident evil stories the online co-op side of it is so good so impressive (the idea of having multiple characters and every character has its own story and every character can meet up with each other) it was amazing
Story from a RE prespictive:(9. 5/10)
Soundtracks(9/10) graphics(10/10)
10 Jun 2023
An epic conclusion to this era of Resi. It's not the most elegant or engrossing or captivating, but there's a lot of fun to be had here.
10 Feb 2024
Underwhelming game but still fun nonetheless. Play it for Leon and Ada's campaign. Way too many QTEs, Ada redesign looks terrible and too many redundant/boring levels. Not an "essential" RE game but play it once at least!
20 Sep 2022
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