
09 Jun 2009

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 Xbox One
7.8 rating
682 want
2628 played
114 playing
64 reviews
Radical Entertainment



Prototype is the first of two games, and let's the user take control of Alex Mercer as he fights to stop the viral outbreak known as BLACKLIGHT throughout Manhattan. Alex is himself infected by the virus, which has given him special, mutant, abilities that will evolve with time and aid him in stopping the virus.

really fun but very repetitive
19 May 2020
Playing on: Playstation 5
Version: Playstation 4
Edition: Digital

About 2 hours of game time & this game feels like it heavily resides in the same vein as Infamous. I think I will be putting this one on hold for the time being because there are better titles I could be playing. This isn't a terrible game necessarily, just boring & outdated & unfortunately isn't holding my interest right now. I am going to throw a number on this review based on my current thoughts so far.

Final verdict: Don't touch it
17 Jul 2022
This game has its fanbase and it deserves it, the action is brutal and chaotic and fun a lot of the time but the graphics and the dated feel makes it hard to enjoy in 2023 but here I am enjoying a lot of it, just don't share the nostalgia a lot of people do with the game due to not growing up with it.
25 Aug 2023
story is complexe and boring but the good thing is that there are multiple power and you have to think which power to use in each situation
26 Jun 2023
Anti-heroic games like this was a good experience. although, the story is a cliche and it had nothing new to say.
25 Sep 2020
Insane unhinged campaign that satisfies my inner bloodlust
27 Dec 2023
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