Mutation Nation

16 Jan 1992

Neo Geo MVS Arcade Neo Geo AES Neo Geo CD
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The Slum... an area of town completely forgotten. No one could imagine the cruelness suffered by innocent people who were transformed into horrible mutant creatures by genetic experiments. They hovered everywhere and completely took control of the town. Mutation Nation is a 1-2 player action game where you must control your hero and beat up any mutant that gets in your way, by either using your fists or one of four special attacks. A boss at the end of each area needs to be defeated if you want to proceed further through the game.

Plataforma: Arcade
24 Jun 2024
É um jogo até que divertido, mas pense num jogo difícil, meu Deus. Eu entendo que é coisa da época, mas tu não passa de uma fase sem morrer, principalmente na fase final com aquele Boss apelão pra um caralho.
04 Jun 2023
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