
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged Edition

01 May 2009

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
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7.3 rating
185 want
483 played
25 playing
31 reviews
Raven Software


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X-Men Origins: Wolverine is an epic action-adventure featuring a true-to-character Wolverine gameplay experience that takes gamers through and beyond the movie’s storyline. Set in a variety of vivid real-world locales, the title challenges players to hone their animal instinct as they uncover hidden dangers, hunt and destroy enemies, and take on seemingly insurmountable situations while discovering the truth about Wolverine’s tragic past. With razor-sharp adamantium claws unsheathed, the future X-Man enacts lightning-quick combat, evasive maneuvers, in-depth combo attacks, and an array of brutal finishing moves. Wolverine doesn’t just deliver massive damage, either – he also takes it, thanks to his mutant regenerative power that heals him in real time right before the player’s eyes.

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So much better than the awful film
27 Jan 2025
Besides a few flaws and complaints, most of which are minor, this is such an incredible game, not only for 2009, but even for today's standards. To list of the issues, firstly the story is altered in this game, which isn't realisticly a huge problem, but it just bugs me the wrong way. It's also really annoying that it just keeps going back in forth from past to present over and over again, ruins the flow a lot. The difficulty scaling is a little odd at times, you breeze through some sections and struggle a bit in others. Last of my mini complaints is that most of the bosses just aren't that fun, and are quite tedious. My biggest complaint, IS THE LACK OF SUBTITLES. It's such a small detail, BUT IT REALLY ISNT TOO MUCH TOO ASK FOR. Anyways, onto the good. The gameplay is fantastic. Like genuinely, even though this is an og God of war clone, the combat is on par with those titles. The abilities aren't overflowing, but there is a lot of variety with the basic move set, and it feels awesome. The gameplay otherwise is pretty linear, with some collectible hunting that is made easy with wolverine hightened senses, (Besides 1 part in the game where you dont have them and it sucks). For people who 100% games itches their brain in the right spot, this game does a fine job of that. The addition of classic suits that are unlockable are super cool and great fan service. Voice acting is solid here too, with mocap, just sucks Ryan reynolds likeness isn't in this for his character, but understandable. Last thing I'll mention is the graphics. The overall game looks pretty good, but the cinematic cutscenes, not the in-game ones, look like a ps4 game no joke. It genuinely caught me off guard. And in terms of in-game graphics, seeing wolverines body get shredded only to heal back is so damn cool. Overall, you like good gameplay, are a marvel or superhero fan, or just want to be the damn wolverine, play this game
29 Aug 2024
Hack & Slash . LIMITED . There is glitches that make the experience uncomfortable but it is nice to try.
Played on Modded PS3
31 Mar 2024
لعبة جميلة بس كان ممكن تكون افضل بكثير، القيم بلاي جداً ممتع لكن الpacing السيء يخليك تطفش، راح تلعب ساعات بنفس النظام وتقاتل نفس الأعداء بعدين على نهاية اللعبة حا تقاتل زعماء بالهبل وكلهم ورا بعض وللأسف مافي زعيم مميز في اللعبة كلهم سيئين أو يمشوا الحال، غير كذا اللعبة اغلب الوقت عبارة عن قتالات كان ودي لو أنهم يحطوا الغاز اكثر أو مناطق بلاتفورم عشان تكسر الروتين مثل قود إف وور، القصة جدا سيئة كل اللحظات المهمة في الفلم صارت خالية من المشاعر كانّه ذكاء اصطناعي كاتبها، الأداء الصوتي متذبذب احياناً يكون ممتاز واحياناً يكون مضحك من سوؤه، ال character design جدا سيئ باستثناء لوقان اللي صراحة بدعوا في تصميمه بس عموماً اغلب الشخصيات اشكالها generic، عارف انه الرأي ذا يعتبر مثير للجدل بس الفلم افضل بكثير من اللعبة خصوصاً في اللحظات الدرامية اللعبة تعرضها بشكل جداً مخيب كانهم يبغوا يخلصوا منها سريع عشان ترجع للشي المهم اللي هو القيم بلاي، في النهاية اللعبة ذي كانت ممكن تكون افضل بس عموماً استمتعت فيها القيم بلاي كان ممتع معا إني اتمنيت لو أنها قدمت لي تحدي وصعوبة اعلى، تقييمي النهائي ٧ من ١٠.
31 Aug 2024
Mucho mejor que la película. Manejando a logan debemos completar una misión la cual tenemos que destruir un arma secreta. Es un hack and slash frenético y divertido en el cual iremos matando a todo el que cruzemos en nuestro camino, podremos mejorar a logan y también hay muchos coleccionables. Los gráficos están decentes, la selva y el diseño de personajes muy bien hechos. La banda sonora también está bien. Para mi tiene de nota un 8 un juego muy bueno, con buenos jefes finales y divertido.
02 Nov 2023
Como pode um jogo de um filme ser TÃO melhor que a obra original?

Um hack and slash muito divertido com alguns puzzles bem interessantes, porém em alguns momentos o combate fica exaustivo.

Gosto de como o jogo intercala na linha do tempo entre passado e presente (bem melhor do que é feito no filme inclusive).

Uma pena aquele cliffhanger no final não ter dado em um segundo jogo pq a idéia é bem interessante.
02 Sep 2023
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