Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint

04 Oct 2019

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 Xbox One Xbox Series X|S Google Stadia
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5.3 rating
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2388 played
485 playing
95 reviews
Ubisoft Paris
Ubisoft Entertainment


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Based on 7 answers

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a military shooter set in a diverse and hostile open world entirely playable solo or in up to four-player co-op. Players will discover Auroa, a mysterious island where the most technically advanced facilities meet wild and untamed nature. Home to drone creators, tech giant Skell Technology, Auroa has fallen into the wrong hands and all contact has been lost.

This game is the surprise of the year for me. I expected the usual Ubisoft midness but I'm having a lot of fun playing it coop and have been playing it for 3+ months, 100+ hours, still not done with it but i know what it offers at this point. Half of it is definitely playing it coop with a friend, so i overlook many of the flaws. I could write an essay on how far from perfect this game is, how much wasted potential there is here, how it feels like the game doesnt know what it wants to be, from immersive cinematic gameplay to rpg raids. But it does have its qualities.

What makes this worthwhile is the customizable gameplay: the game allows you to make it what you want. You can have the most casual Ubisoft third person shooter, with a minimap that tells you everything & icons for everything, you can have RPG style gear levels, you can spawn vehicles out of your ass. OR, you can play in immersive mode, have as little hud as you want, make every injury deadly, have to rely on your own eyes only.
The AI is pretty bad (as always basically) but once you turn up the difficulty gunfights can be tense. All in all it's a dumbed down version of MGSV, but it can be an enjoyable experience still.

The game manages to be pretty immersive, with great soldier animations, the great injury system, good vfx & graphics & at 60 fps even though its a PS4 game, and an open world that, even with the very few civilians that dont even react properly to you, looks stunning with great looking dynamic weather and time of day. There are also some survival mechanics like eating or drinking or stretching, but they are very superficial, there was definitely potential for them to be better implemented.

Unfortunately the game's main story sucks: the cutscenes suck, the missions are simple, the story is non-existent, the characters are bad, you are taken to random points of the map everytime. Side missions are horrible (faction missions are ok). With gear levels on, your reason to explore is to find weapons of higher level and rarity. With gear level off, you lose a lot of the reasons to explore.
What i suggest Is playing the CONQUEST MODE right away. It's basically a DLC story bigger than the main one, no cutscenes, just you and your mission, and some dialogues. You need to complete X curated missions in each territory of the map to unlock the final mission and free that territory. All focus on gameplay. You can explore the map one territory at a time so you dont get overwhelmed. Exploring is better rewarded here since youll want to find camo points to upgrade the new camo gadget for this mode. The missions get repetitive, but there is a lot of content here (typical ubisoft, quantity over quality) since the core gameplay is enjoyable i can get past it (and also, coop so we fuck around a lot).

Another thing to mention is that this game has crazy good soldier customization.
Breakpoint is a crazy mix of things done very well and others incredibly poorly.
15 Feb 2025
Heard it was rough at launch but it’s much better now. Can’t wait to dive more into this with my friends
15 May 2024
Gameplay was pretty cool honestly. The story and main protagonist was boring. Gameplay wasn’t enough to keep me around
12 Feb 2025
Ghost Recon Breakpoint seems to be trying to please everyone. Its slow-burn of a single-player story coexists with an open-world bombastic romp with friends, which leads into a play-everyday grind for PvP-rewards, faction and raid gear with seasonal content, and a realistically gritty wargame of survival. But almost every ingredient clashes with another, making them all feel a little more padded, underwhelming, or contradicting than they need to be. But fun can be salvaged if you focus on one or two of those and just limit your expectations.
22 Oct 2023
Was rough at launch but its at a better state now.
Story 6/10
Gameplay 8/10
Co-op with Friend is a better experience
Try it on Sale
10 Jun 2020
Really enjoying so far, first person mod is a must have to really immerse yourself in the game. Story isnt particularly engaging but serves it's purpose in keeping the game going and pushing you to explore new areas and take on new challenges. Solid stealth, solid gunplay, solid puzzles.
11 Dec 2023
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