The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall

31 Aug 1996

PC (Microsoft Windows) DOS
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8.9 rating
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379 played
38 playing
9 reviews
Bethesda Softworks
Bethesda Softworks



The Elder Scrolls - Daggerfall is the second fantasy RPG from The Elder Scrolls series. The game is situated in a city of Daggerfall and its surrounding areas. The emperor himself asked you, as your friend, to investigate the death of King Lysandus. The whole story is up to you. There is no straight line which you should follow. you have a number of options for character classes and numerous regions filled with cities, towns, and dungeons. Your journey starts on your way to the Kingdom of Daggerfall. Unfortunately your ship is wrecked in a storm and you end up in a small cave with only your bare life. Your first goal becomes to escape, and so your adventure begins. The game has a numerous options how to solve the crisis and numerous differed endings as well.

This game got me started on the elder scrolls franchise. Played it when I was 13? Used a potat computer and installed a DOS emulator on it. Had to learn all kinds of fancy commands and all I can say is that it deserves a gold medal for most bullshit to launch a game. Back then my internet was very limited, 300mb per day. I didn't even knew torrent existed so I had to deal with a bunch of patience ripping torture to download the game. Oh I knew there were lots of other better games, but I just wanted to play an elder scrolls game because at that time, it was freaking mainstream. I'm glad that I've played this though. There was literally a whole essays explaining each quests. I had to re-read them 3-4 times. Plus, there was no direction indicator, meaning you have to fully rely on the texts to get a grip on the direction you're going. I didn't finished it. This game makes all other modern games I'm playing right now, child's play.
21 May 2020
Absolute garbage
08 May 2024
no. cant play properly
20 Oct 2023
Have a physical coppy but couldn't get to work. Tried to use ms dosbox but just hate that you literally have to input lines of code to play the game. Played daggerfall unity instead which was so much easier to install.

The main positive of the game is that you feel free to do whatever you want. That your character can be anything in this setting. Easily the best roleplay/ fantasy world simulator of all the elder scrolls games. The world itself is so vast and grand that despite its many reused assets the scope just feels endless and full of exploration. The justice and property systems in the game are things even the later elder scrolls gamess lack.

The main reason I dislike the game to an extent is its actual meaty content. Most of the quests are very bare bones. Get this item, kill this person ect. The main story didn't interest me at all. After watching a video on it it sounds interesting but the actual quests are just so unfun. Exploring the dungeons are the main example of this. The reason I abandoned the main quest was because you have to go through some of the worst designed levels in history in my opinion. Labarinthian nightmares that re use so much content. Having to actually play through them is so mentally grinding its is honestly I think its the worst thing I have done in any game. can't stress enough how aful they are.

Which is why for the most part i just went around exploring. So much fun just traveling to different areas and doing petty side jobs. There were some incredible set pieces and locations. the scope of the world is so vast that exploring is insanley fun. The actual content in some of the areas is slightly lacking. Every tavern, shop. Temple feels the same to me for the most part. There are some exceptions but the majority re use all the same NPCs and same music.

The music overall was pretty fantastic but some tracks drove me mad. Like the dungeon one were its sounds like the game crashes.

I like allot about this game and have spent many hours roaming around and having a blast doing things like murdering as many people as I can in a minute and trying to get to another country. The thing is that most off the enjoyment of daggerfall for me came from exploring and messing about like that which is great but the majority of the game is simply dreadful in my opinion.

6/10 buntys: okay
27 Sep 2023
Played: 146 hours
Record: 100% quests completed (except radiant quests)
Platform: Mac (Wineskin port)
27 May 2020
La formula mejora. Mejores visales, añadidos mecanicos. Una historia mas elaborada y un mundo mas rico que explorar. Se nota que en esta entrega se perfeccionaron las bases que darian lugar a las obras maestras venideras.
A esta entrega le dediqué incluso menos horas que al Arena, pero aun así me lo gozé en youtube.
18 Nov 2023
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