The Elder Scrolls: Arena

25 Mar 1994

PC (Microsoft Windows) DOS
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8.8 rating
155 want
359 played
37 playing
9 reviews
Bethesda Softworks
Bethesda Softworks


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100% completion

Based on 1 answers

The Elder Scrolls - Arena is the first RPG fantasy game of the Elder Scrolls series. The game takes place on a planet called Nirn in the empire of Tamriel. The emperor of Tamriel, Uriel Septim, is planing to gather the whole Nirn under the imperial flag. He allies himself with the mage Jagar Tharn who is unfortunately intent on stealing the emperor's throne. Jagar Tharn imprisons the emperor in another dimension and locks the key inside a dungeon under the imperial city. Your job is to find all the pieces of the key, reassemble it, kill Jagger Tharn and free the emperor.

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It's free on steam....I always wanted to play this but...yeah not for me. I definitely prefer the modern take on elder scrolls 😅
10 Mar 2025
Hardeth as mortal defecation, mine ally.
18 Jul 2020
Played: 36 hours 10 minutes
Record: 100% quests completed (except radiant)
Level: Ultra Hard
Platform: Mac (Wineskin port)
27 May 2020
Un juego anacronico que en su epoca tuvo que ser lo mas. Hoy en dia, se hace duro de jugar aunque es disfrutable.
Es la semilla de los mundos abiertos, aunque en este caso vacios, con una historia interesante.
Me pasé la mitad del juego y ya luego tire de youtube para saber el final, pues no disfrutaba mas haciendo dungeons. Pero es un buen juego.
18 Nov 2023
Любимый TES, после shadowkey))
30 Jan 2025
25 Sep 2024
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