Street Fighter II: The World Warrior

22 Jun 1991

Wii Super Nintendo Entertainment System Wii U Arcade Super Famicom
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130 played
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Main story

0h 50m
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Main story + extras

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100% completion

Based on 1 answers

GET READY TO RUMBLE! From across the globe comes eight of the wildest fighters the world has ever known. Choose your champion, gather your courage and prepare to battle your opponents in a bare knuckle brawl. Face Ken and his devastating "Dragon Punch"! Watch the temperature rise as Dhalsim incinerates you with his mystical Yoga Flame! Hear your spine crack as Zangief smashes you to the pavement with his spinning pile driver! Cover your ears as Guile breaks the sound barrier with the awesome power of the Sonic Boom! Annihilate your competition and claim the right to test your skills against the bone-crushing power of the Grand Masters! Can you survive? Can Anyone?

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Played: 16 hours
Record: 231 400 points
Level: Hard
31 Dec 2007
Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior is what a lot of my childhood memories are. Not so much beating the story, the cpu is very difficult, but going to friends houses and playing hours and hours of Street Fighter.
13 Mar 2025
Capcom Arcade Stadium.
25 May 2024
The original Street Fighter II is an important title for the fighting genre and arcades too.
It has a charming style, awesome pixel art, a memorable soundtrack and characyers, making it one of the most enjoyable fighting games even for the new generations.
Nedless to say, the TRUE Street Fighter is played against other players. While fighting against the CPU provides some hints about the characters personality and story (basically a Story Mode, which consists in fighting the other 7 fighters and 4 bosses and timately shows you a cute cutscene), the A.I. was poorly designed and it often cheat just to beat the player so the original Arcade version can get some more money.
Despite it sounding like a lie, it was actually confirmed that the CPU has an unfair advantage over the player: it can instantly use charged attack, sometimes it has invincibility, others it can't be parried and others it just skip frames to attack first.
Despite that, the game can still be beated, somehow, and it really gives you a great feeling to achieve it, even if you basically won't ever see the ending in the Arcade one unless you have unlimited money or own and Arcade yourself.
The original Street Fighter II is quite simple, it doesn't have super moves and each character has few, but distinc moves. Despite it semplicity, this game played with friends is pure fun.
01 Jun 2023
Street Fighter II é daqueles jogos base para o gênero de luta, é desafiador observar ele pra além de seu legado, é importante destacar que minhas impressões são da versão de SNES. A jogabilidade foi o elemento que mais me gerou estranheza, ela é mais truncada que imaginava, claro comparado com jogos da época ele é competente, mas pra hoje em dia ele sente o peso do tempo. A diversidade de personagens é bacana, os visuais são bem bonitos, especialmente das fases é impressionante o nível de detalhe. A trilha é muito boa, ela definiu basicamente como jogos de luta fariam daqui em diante, faixas para personagens e estágios.
20 Jan 2025
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