
12 Mar 2019

Nintendo Switch PC (Microsoft Windows) Xbox One PlayStation 4
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5.8 rating
94 want
89 played
20 playing
2 reviews
Ground Shatter Ltd.
Rising Star Games



Rico is an arcade-style, first-person shooter inspired by modern action cinema. In the game you and a friend play as a pair of loose-cannon police partners, given twenty-four hours to crack a case as part of an elite organised crime taskforce. Planning is tactical rather than strategic, players must react in the moment to shootouts as they unfurl, with additional extra time to assess the situation if they are able to surprise their adversaries. Ammo and enemies are plentiful, and combat is punchy and impactful, supported by an extensive destruction system that ensures every shot looks and feels great.

لعبة شوتر من المنظور الأول وفيها بعض عناصر الروقلايك، اللعبة مستواها سيء في أغلب الجوانب ومليئة بالتكرار، والشي الايجابي الوحيد اللي يخلي اللعبة قابلة للعب هو انه فيها كو اب محلي واونلاين واللي يخلي اللعبة ممتعة بعض الاوقات على الرغم من سوءها
27 Jul 2024
قمة العفن ما فيها ولا إيجابية ما ادري حتى شلون اوصفها
شريتها بريالين لو اني شاري علك اصرف لي
16 Jan 2024
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