Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

07 Sep 2010

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
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7.4 rating
705 want
1833 played
199 playing
74 reviews


Time to beat

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Main story

Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

12h 12m
100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 10 answers

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions blends together the many alternate universes of the world-famous webslinger with four unique takes on Spider-Man's history in comics. In the game, Spider-Man attempts to retrieve a piece of a tablet that's been scattered across multiple parallel dimensions, and in doing so he crosses over to storylines famous to comic book aficionados as variant tellings (including The Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Man Noir & Ultimate Spider-Man) of the Spider-Man mythology.

4 spidermans?
4 different time lines?
4 different dimensions?
Fuck yeah I'm in.
20 Jan 2022
Played on: Playstation 3
Version: Playstation 3
Edition: Physical

A lot of fun. The concept is really cool but unfortunately I never got around to finishing this. I hope to one day get around to it.

Final verdict: Buy it
02 Jun 2022
this is a damn good spider man game
09 Jan 2023
Best spider game.
07 Jan 2024
Favorite game of all time!
27 Oct 2022
This is one of the first ever games I remember playing, and a lot of money was spent for me to replay this game, so there's some bias here for sure. With that being said, this is a great game, but a fantastic spiderman game. That's where I have a bit of struggle choosing a number rating for this game. As a game, its awesome. It's beautifully paced, with 13 levels and 3 acts, that does not over stay it's welcome, while leaving you wanting just a little bit more, but because it's good and not because it's too short. With the 4 different playstyles, it always feels fresh. In terms of the quality of the playstypes, they're all good, but because they're all good, none are particularly great. The combat is solid, the stealth is alright, the webslinging and wall crawling is incredible. Nothing truly exceptional, but a lot of good things happening. The performance is good, and the graphics are really nice here. This excels as a Spiderman game however. The writing and characters are amazing here. There's a fantastic cast of villains here, making Spiderman and marvel fans really happy. The story is pretty good for the premise of a multi-verse esque game, but it's the writing that's great. The developers really understood how to create every character and how to realize a good version of them. The 4 spidermen also have incredible quips, which is an absolute must for any Spiderman project. I'd say that although the gameplay is an 8, the incredible writing brings the game up overall to a 9.
17 Oct 2024
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