Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage

16 Sep 1994

Super Nintendo Entertainment System Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
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11 reviews
Software Creations
Acclaim Black Team
Acclaim Entertainment



Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage is a side-scrolling beat 'em up game for the Super NES and Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, developed by Software Creations and published by Acclaim Entertainment and it's subsidiary LJN in 1994. The game, based on a sprawling comic book story arc of the same name, features numerous heroes, including Spider-Man, Venom, and their allies from the Marvel Comics fictional universe like Captain America, Black Cat, Iron Fist, Cloak and Dagger, Deathlok, Morbius and Firestar, all teaming up to battle an onslaught of villains led by Carnage, including Shriek, Doppelganger, Demogoblin and Carrion. Both the Genesis/Mega Drive and Super NES versions come in a red cartridge. They were later released in the normal cartridge colors (black for Genesis, gray for Super NES). The game was followed up by a sequel called Venom/Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety. Universal Studios Orlando used Maximum Carnage as the theme for a haunted house at Halloween Horror Nights in 2002.

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based on the grate comic. a really fun beatem up not too long nor too tough. highly recommend for retro gamers
05 Nov 2021
It's fun, but some levels are just bad ideas. Like the climbing sections.
09 Feb 2023
I wish there was more boss variety but still a good enough game.
17 Aug 2021
Difícil en el mal sentido y repetitivo.
23 Oct 2023
Excelente jogo com sua história narrada em forma de HQs, bastante variedade de golpes e personagens famosos, único problema é a dificuldade exagerada e conforme avança vai ficando mais artificial possível, últimas fases enfrentando hordas de chefes e tendo que derrotar o Carnage repetidas vezes é o mais próximo que cheguei do inferno.
13 Feb 2025
Cara kkkk que negócio difícil
23 Nov 2024
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