
16 Apr 2002

Game Boy Advance
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1 reviews
Digital Eclipse Software
Activision Publishing



The Game Boy Advance version of the Spider-Man movie tie-in.

Tie-in of the first Spider-Man film for the Game Boy Advance.
The game is a lazy platform with some ""collectibles"" and some kind of plot wich diverge from the film its based on, which lead Spider-Man through some bad designed levels where the players has to deal with characters which looks ripped off from some other random GBA game, an atrocious sound design and boring search missions.
The boss themselves aren't as bad, but they can easily be beaten in a matter of seconds when you figure out hkw to deal damage to 'em without getting killed.

The third-person section are extremely rare and confusionary, but I gotta say they are impressive for the console, at least. Too bad hitboxes in all the game are a mess, so you'll find yourself diyng even without touching an enemy.
09 Feb 2023
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