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Resident Evil 2: Dual Shock Ver.

06 Aug 1998

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6 reviews



First re-release of Resident Evil 2, the Dual Shock Ver. incorporated support for the PlayStation's DualShock analog controller and vibration functions. Also included is a new unlockable mini-game called "Extreme Battle" and a "Rookie" mode, which allows the player to start the main story with a powerful weapon with infinite ammo.

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Resident Evil 2 Reached For the Stars,Perfection And by all means(except story) Got so close to be just that,Resident Evil 2 is a true Sequel with doing Everything So much Better,in-between the three games Resident Evil 2 is the Easiest,You can beat each one(except the first one)in one day or so and it's the most fun you can Have.
The graphics are intense For a Ps1 game,you may even bleed,or cut zombies body parts,truly amazing what they Done here
Although I enjoyed my time playing this game I had my share of problems.
The tyrant is a joke that will appear every 30m or so and hit you once then dissappears again,such a joke
And for some reason Claire gets a lockpick just like Jill,does every woman in RE universe get a Lockpick and a Sandwich joke?And in Leon scenario he will take a bullet for a woman Who has a boyfriend
You can reason this two but I kid you not that the story Is flawed and I can keep going but it's just Tedious
Resident Evil 2 is a big reason that why gaming is so beautiful that you cannot find such experience somewhere else
It may be weak in the literal meaning of Horror but it nails down the Survival so good you'll be so scared shitting yourself
Truly phenomenal
04 Sep 2024
Pouco menos de 5 horas. Só o final peca.
11 Apr 2023
Adorei demais sensacional
15 Jan 2025
Claire A(rank C): 4:18 hrs
Leon B(rank B): 4:11 hrs
24 Dec 2024
26 Oct 2024
‏Resident Evil 2; Claire's Way Review
Resident Evil 1 أفضل بمراحل لكن لا أنكر التحسينات مثل الخريطة أفضل و... بس
السلبيات: الاعداء غثيثين انت بعيد عنهم فجأة تلاقيهم ياكلون برجلك WTF!!.
المختبر غثيث ومزعج.
وبس ما لي خلگ اسوي مراجعة محترمة له مثل التحفة الأول
16 May 2024
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