18 May 2010
18 May 2010 - Wii
20 May 2010 - Wii
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands was a game made for the Nintendo Wii by Ubisoft Qubec. The game features a completely different storyline and setting from other versions of the game (under the same title), as well as totally different gameplay mechanics, as the game makes use of the Wii's motion control as well as conventional buttons. The Wii version of the game also features local multiplayer, in which a second player can aid the first player by freezing on-screen enemies or traps for them, or helping to unlock secret areas. Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands for the Wii also features some bonus content, such as unlockable in-game character skins, art galleries, developer diaries, bonus levels, and the original 1992 version of Prince of Persia. The game is popularly referred to as having last generation graphics and dull combat, but was generally praised for its unique and creative gameplay mechanics as well as its overall strong production values, including its unique storyline.
The game begins in the middle of the action as the Prince tries to flee the collapsing Izdihar, with the fairy-like genie Zahra, at his side, but the kingdom is sinking too quickly into the sands, and Zahra merges with the Prince in order to ensure his escape. He takes a leap of faith off a tower, putting his trust in the Genie. He passes out. The story proper begins in flashback as Zahra is leading the Prince through a jungle to what she says will be the kingdom and princess he's been longing for. When they reach a clearing, with no kingdom in sight, Zahra prompts the Prince to kiss an angelic enchanted statue. This forms a magical union between Zahra and the Prince, protecting both from death, and allowing the Prince to see as Zahra sees. A gateway suddenly appears, and Zahra explains that it is the entrance to the kingdom of Izdihar. Zahra leads the Prince to Izdihar, and tells him that it is the kingdom he has been seeking. However, Izdihar is deserted, covered in poisonous vines, and decaying. The Prince suddenly sees a sword in a stone, and pulls it out, which frees a witch, who flees into the sky. A large monster then arrives, and the Prince uses the sword to stab it, but the blade breaks from the hilt, and the monster escapes with the blade still impaled in its body. Zahra explains that by removing the sword, the Prince unwillingly released a great evil, the Haoma, which has ravaged much of Izdihar, and eradicated its people. The sword had been used to contain the Haoma witch and stop the spread of the poisonous Haoma vines through the kingdom. With the witch free, the Haoma could now continue its devastation of Izdihar. Zahra states that the only way to vanquish the Haoma is to reforge the sword. The Prince therefore sets out chasing after the monster, to reclaim the blade, and set right his mistake of releasing the Haoma witch. Along the journey through Izdihar, Zahra explains that it was once populated by her kind, until the Haoma arrived. As the only survivor, Zahra vowed to avenge her people and vanquish the Haoma. To achieve this, she allowed herself to be sold to the Prince in a marketplace, because she knew that he possessed the prowess and ambition to vanquish the Haoma. In a final confrontation with the monster, the Prince is victorious. As it is dying, the monster reveals itself to be the Haoma-cursed form of the former king of Izdihar. With his last breath, the king asks the Prince to save his daughter, the princess Nasreen, and vanquish the Haoma from Izdihar. With renewed vigor, and both pieces of the sword in his possession, the Prince sets out to reforge it, by completing four obstacle trials set by the gods. With the magical sword restored, the Prince pursues the Haoma Witch. He finds her, defeats her, and kills the Haoma by striking at its heart. This causes the Witch to transform back into the princess Nasreen, who had been possessed by the Haoma. The withering Haoma vines grab the princess, and to save her, the Prince gives her a kiss, transferring his and Zahra's power over death to her. The now-immortal princess falls off a ledge, Izdihar begins to crumble, and the Haoma dies. The Prince tries to flee the collapsing Izdihar(a repeat of the opening level), with Zahra still at his side, but the kingdom is sinking too quickly into the sands, and Zahra merges with the Prince in order to ensure his escape. He takes the leap of faith and passes out. This fusion brings the Prince into Zahra's spiritual realm. Zarha's disembodied voice begs the Prince to stay with her, and to always remember her and Izdihar. The Prince wakes up alone in the clearing where Zahra first asked him to kiss her through the angelic enchanted statue. The statue is now shattered, and the story ends with the Prince sadly leaving, setting out into the desert, his heart filled with memories of Zahra, the princess Nasreen, and the forgotten sands of Izdihar.