Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

23 May 2024

Nintendo Switch
9.3 rating
1565 want
1184 played
571 playing
64 reviews
Intelligent Systems



A remake of the second game in the Paper Mario series, originally released for the Nintendo GameCube. Turn the page and join Mario and friends in an RPG adventure to discover the legendary treasure behind the ancient Thousand-Year Door. Will Mario complete his papery quest, or will he crumple under the pressure?

Hands down an amazing game all around! I’m happy I picked this game up and played it. Highly recommend! 10/10
12 Jun 2024
Completed, good but way way overrated.

Mario and luigi series is much better in almost everything.
31 Jul 2024
Overhyped but still enjoyable. Too much backtracking and not enough character moments with the party members
15 Aug 2024
Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door is a Paper Mario RPG. You seek the seven crystal stars, to unlock the Thousand Year Door, in a race against a mysterious army, all while seeking the missing Princess Peach. This is, without a doubt, one of the most joyous RPGs out there. The characters, locales, and interesting gameplay is excellent. There are so many goofy ideas here; you help a mafia Don find his eloped daughter, you defeat an evil dragon, you solve a the mystery of the missing sauce pan and so much more. This one is a great time to the end, and one of the most difficult bosses in any Mario game. A great time, through and through. The Switch remaster is a blast- new music, improved graphics and quality of life tweaks exist, but this is the same gem, just polished. I don't mind, this remains one of my favourite games of all time!
Rating ⭐️ 10/10
31 Jul 2024
I won't lie I was a little disappointed going into this remake hearing all the hype about the original, but that's only because I expected a 10/10, when I'm giving this a 9/10, so really it's still amazing. The only aspect that disappointed me was the combat. I love the mario and luigi series, and finally getting a turned based paper mario I was super excited to see what this had to offer, and it let me down a little. It's by no means bad, it just feels rudimentary to me. It's very basic with nothing being very over the top like I was expecting it to be. The action commands are pretty basic, and although they're fun to see for the first time, they aren't so exciting to the point you want to battle every enemy you face. The star powers for me are the best part of the combat, with their action commands definitely being super fun. The leveling up is also pretty basic, but the badge system is really fun to tinker and mess around with for sure. I found the pacing was also a little bit wonky, with a lot of backtracking which wasn't horrible but definitely a little annoying. Some puzzles also were a little annoying. Now onto what makes this game, its personality. The story itself is nothing to write home about, but every single character in this game is so unique. This extends even to the world, with every area being so different than the last and being so unique. And to top it all off, the writing is phenomenal. This game has incredibly memorable and likeable characters and partners, stunning and unique locations, with hilarious and at times deep dialogue. It's these three things that make this game as good as it is. If either the characters, world or writing wasn't as good as it is, then this game wouldn't be as good as it is. Although before I said the pacing was off, it also had good moments with the sections where you play as different characters. The level design is also really cool, with chapter 6 specifically going to be a chapter I will remember for a long time coming. And finally, the visuals and graphics here are incredible. Although it's a game based on paper, there might not be a more refined and morr polished looking game on the console made by Nintendo. With all these over the top ideas written by the developers, the fantastic and stunning visuals help bring it all together to make one of the most engaging game worlds out there
09 Jul 2024
"I finally rest, and watch the sunrise on a grateful universe"
03 Jun 2024
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