Metaphor: ReFantazio

11 Oct 2024

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S
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9.4 rating
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1975 played
815 playing
166 reviews
Studio Zero


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Based on 23 answers

From the creative minds of the Persona series – Metaphor: ReFantazio marks ATLUS’ first ever, full-scale fantasy RPG, brought to you by director Katsura Hashino, character designer Shigenori Soejima, and composer Shoji Meguro. Write your destiny and rise above fear as you step into a fantasy world unlike anything you’ve seen before. Fraught with unsettling mystery, the kingdom stands on a precipice. Now, you must embark on a journey, overcoming obstacles and forging bonds with friends.

✋🏻Absolute cinema🤚🏻
03 Nov 2024
It definitely looks like atlus is just laying down comfortably with their golden egg formula of jrpgs and raking in the money,
Or maybe its the opposite and theyre stuck on that formula and too scared to change.either way that ship has sailed and it definitely shows,with most stuff in this game being a husk of their former entries.the characters quests were never shallower,the dialogue an unending blabber of nothingness,the annoying ps2 fetch quests and the same time management mechanic they’re been using for around 2 decades now.this was all either unchanged or a big decline from their other games and that is a huge disappointment,not only because its from the director of my favorite game series,but also because when i heard he was working on a new ip for 8 years the expectations were of something new,and this was anything but that.
Its sort of conflicting writing all this bc after a while the game did pick up the pace and started evolving quite nicely,the story though the regular Atlus morality blabber had a great 2nd half and maybe one of the best villains in a game or any media even though he too was mishandled,having ideals so stunning,but approached in once a gain such a lazy way!
Anyways ,the combat also took a turn for the best at the 2nd half with some of the best,and memorable bosses i ever fought in turn based and overall.
But that was around the 55hour mark,and its just not right to dismiss all that time because of a good last boss and a tear jerker ending.
25 Dec 2024
26 Oct 2024
Atlus has crafted a new story with a heavier tone than their usual Persona series, marked by outstanding character development and world-building. It tackles complex themes like diversity and racism with nuance, while also exploring relatable, heart warming themes such as turning dreams (fantasies) into reality. Each theme is good written with many side content to shine on them more and were thoughtfully concluded, with meaningful messages and satisfying conclusions to the characters’ arcs. The story wraps up every plot point and side theme, creating a complete journey from fantasy to reality.

This new Atlus series stands as a fully realized experience and a true masterpiece in the gaming industry, one that I can’t wait to see more content from in the future.
26 Oct 2024
Atlus’ crown jewel and one of the best games I have ever played
09 Feb 2025
Clocking in after 66 hours. I did every activity, except for 2 final side dungeons and final stage of the final boss.

A lot of people praise this game immensely. While this is the first Atlus game I finished and I can clearly see it's strengths, I would say it is a strong, good game, not amazing.

The overall tone was clearly set for teenagers. There are some darker, more serious themes, like loss of own child, grief, depression, but their depiction is either simplified or scare when they are done well (Heismey's story was very good, but Del and Basilio's was the definitely the strongest one in the entire game).

I am not a big fan of the soundtrack either. I mean it was pretty good for the first 20 hours, but when it is on repeat for 60+ hours... it gets old.

I know that the gameplay is innovative, but I am not a fan of turn-based weakness-oriented gameplay, so I'll say nothing about it.

The art design sets this game apart from others, but I would not say that it is one-of-a-kind good.

Overall, I would say it would be a great game, was it 30-hours long, but considering how much time it takes, it spreads its best best content too thin.
04 Jan 2025
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