
18 Nov 2003

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 2 Xbox PlayStation 4 PlayStation 3
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7.2 rating
586 want
1033 played
77 playing
44 reviews
Rockstar North
Rockstar Games
Take-Two Interactive


Time to beat

Main story

10h 52m

Main story + extras


100% completion

Based on 6 answers

Manhunt is a third-person stealth horror game. The game consists of twenty levels, and four bonus levels that can be unlocked; the levels are referred to as "scenes". Players survive the Scenes by dispatching enemy gang members known as "Hunters", occasionally with firearms but primarily by stealthily executing them in gruesome, over-the-top ways. The player is rated at the end of each level, primarily dependent on the gruesomeness of the killings and the speed of completion, from one (unimpressive) to five (extremely competent) stars. Executions are preferred in order to gain a higher score, thus encouraging players to play as viscerally as possible. The game's locales are full of "dark spots" and shadows where the player can hide while being chased by the Hunters; hiding in these dark areas makes the player invisible to opponents.

This game is sick. Brutal in so many ways. I love stealthy games and this is one of them. Story was decent, it's not bad, but I enjoyed gameplay, a lot.
13 Jan 2024
It does a lot with the limited mechanics it offers, but it can be so frustrating, I quickly lost interest. The atmosphere is still great though!
21 Dec 2023
As a huge fan of games developed by Rockstar North I gotta admit I have been avoiding Manhunt for many years and I was always skeptical to give it a try but after all the years avoiding it, playing this game for the first time was an experience that exceeded beyond my expectations. Manhunt is a purposely disturbing and ugly game to say the least and the whole game from start to finish is unsettling to play. It feels like you're doing something that you somehow know you shouldn't be doing but you're intrigued to do it anyhow. But beneath all the ugliness is a polished challenging & psychological stealth game. The gameplay consists of stealth, & gunplay but the majority of your playthrough is spent lurking in the shadows taking out your enemies one by one with Manhunt's controversial executions. Above all Manhunt is a suprisingly well developed stealth game that stands alongside other great stealth titles from the early 2000's. While the stealth mechanics may look simple at first there is actually lots of details worth mentioning. Almost every action by James creates certain amount of noise such as walking on certain surfaces, hitting a wall or performing an execution. This may also be used as a tool to attract or distract enemies. Fighting your enemies face to face is not encouraged in the game since your enemies are ruthless and fighting any more than a single enemy is practically a death wish. This means you should execute your unknowing enemies in brutal fashion which then exposes the most infamous element of the game. The executions in this game are violent and gruesome with three main types that vary in length and brutality. Unlike many other games where killing feels trivial and easy, Executions in manhunt are heavy with some terrifying sound effects that adds a layer of immersion to it's violence. It's also worth mentioning how patience is a key element in Manhunt's gameplay. Carefully observing your enemies and taking your time to take them out one at a time is somehow required to progress through most levels. Considering how every mistake can be proven fatal and knowing how James is not an unstoppable protagonist, adds more vulnerability and creates a more horror like experience for the player. The other main gameplay aspect of Manhunt is gunplay which becomes more frequent through the later levels of the game. I gotta admit while the gunplay is the most criticized part of the game I didn't have much of a bad time playing through them. Surely they have their problems with some clunky aiming and a flawed cover system but considering this game came out in 2003 they actually get the job done. And I gotta say some of the shooting levels where the most tense and terrifying gunplay I have ever experienced. Since some levels puts you in tight cornered spaces and the fact that James can die from only a few shots adds to the suspension and horror aspect of these levels.
The presentation of the game is also well crafted eveything from the main menu visuals to the VHS effects while performing executions makes Manhunt feel like an Interactive snuff film. The enemies & gangs are well designed with different backgrounds. Brian Cox's performance as the sadistic director who is constantly watching & judging your actions is truly astounding. Despite it's snuff film premise, the lore of the game actually has a lot of depth and carries a message underneath. While the media at the time where blindly blaming Manhunt and videogames in general, Never during my whole playthrough did the game glorified violence or even made me feel good about it. The Soundtrack (Composed by Craig Conner) is also underrated with a terrifying ambience that sounds like a horror experience itself.
In the end Manhunt is a truly underrated gem being a victim for controversies during it's release but I definetly recommended to give this gem a try.
11 Nov 2022
Same old sick shit

I love it
04 Jun 2024
The most disturbing and bone chilling game i've ever played. I even had to take a break to properly finish the game.
29 Jan 2024
- Gameplay: 8
- Story: 8
- Characters: 9
- Graphics: 8
- Sounds: 9
- Level Design: 8

Played on PC
04 Jan 2023
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