Halo: Combat Evolved

15 Nov 2001

PC (Microsoft Windows) Xbox Xbox 360 Mac
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8.7 rating
624 want
4341 played
190 playing
193 reviews
Microsoft Game Studios
MacSoft Games


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

9h 53m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

11h 46m
100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 8 answers

Bent on Humankind's extermination, a powerful fellowship of alien races known as the Covenant is wiping out Earth's fledgling interstellar empire. Climb into the boots of Master Chief, a biologically altered super-soldier, as you and the other surviving defenders of a devastated colony-world make a desperate attempt to lure the alien fleet away from earth. Shot down and marooned on the ancient ring-world Halo, you begin a guerilla-war against the Covenant. Fight for humanity against an alien onslaught as you race to uncover the mysteries of Halo.

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I finally gave it a shot after hearing the endless tales of how it redefined the FPS genre.I could see it back then, it must’ve been a revelation, a lighthouse in the dark sea of early shooters.But now? it feels like a relic, a hollow echo of something that once mattered.

The gunplay’s dull, the environments blur into a monotonous haze, and the pacing feels like dragging a dead body through the rain. It wasn’t fun.It wasn’t engaging. It was a reminder that time doesn’t just move forward, it erodes.

For anyone spoiled by the precision and intensity of today’s shooters, this game is a museum piece, not a masterpiece.

Play it if you’re chasing nostalgia, but if you’re looking for something gripping, you won’t find it here.
22 Jan 2025
A bit late to the Halo Party, but what can I say, I never grew up with the xbox and only played MP on PC during it's hayday.

While Goldeneye put console based first person shooters on the map, Halo was the game to solidify the console shooter formula and influence first person shooters for the next decades to come.

I will say now, Halo is probably one of the most satisfying shooters I've ever played from just a gameplay standpoint. All weapons feel right and pack the right punch, every kill is so satisfying from start to finish. And I'm keen to see how the combat evolves (no pun intended) throughout the franchise.

I love the world of Halo, the otherworldly biomes of the ring, the aliens and lore presented. I can see why this franchise had so much appeal.

Every level is sort of open ended in the sense where a large area is loaded and its up to you to figure out how you want to progress through. Do you wanna drive through with a warthog or ghost? Do you wanna stay on the ground and snipe out your oppenents? The levels are very replayable.

Having said that, the first half of the game is absolutely amazing, every single level is so good and fun to get through. However the quality takes a nosedive in the 2nd half once the flood enemies are introduced. Levels suddenly become copy-pasted hallways and every level in the 2nd half is basically a reused level from the first half but this time with infinitely spawning enemies that become really frustrating.

I still enjoyed my time with the first game and hope to become a fan of franchise once I'm done with it. For now, I can see why Halo Combat Evolved was so beloved when it first came out, especially for it's multiplayer. There's a bit of outdated game design here but the overall game is still a really good time.
31 Dec 2023
I am very much aware that I am playing a game that revolutionised multiplayer game play and FPS, wayyy out of its era in 2022 bur better late than never.

In terms of positives, the music is of course iconic with some cool percussion here and there to give a commando vibe as you play. Some mechanics I can imagine were quite fun for the time, like using turrets, warthogs, hosts and banshees. There is also a good variety of weapons and some alien weapons that are simplified and relevant to the enemies -- plasma pistol can knock down a shield, energy rifle can blast through elite shields.

In terms of negatives, the levels do get quite repetitive after a time -- very much visit new area, fight a new collection of the same sort of enemies. Playing in heroic mode did make it seem more like a puzzle, which was cool. Only time it did feel unique was towards the middle when the flood is introduced (*spoilers*: maybe I just like fighting zombies).

The story is alright, nothing super exceptional and a little generic but it did lend to some cool environments. Masterchief is just a champ that everyone relies on to get the mission done. You get introduced to the concept of what is Halo, who are the covenant and how is halo useful to them. There is a twist in there which I can kind of appreciate, and the ending had a sense of humour.

In the end I am glad I did play this game so that I can at least somewhat experience a game that revolutionised and had a huge influence on a lot of people. I'm caught up and definitely want to keep going.

Difficulty: Heroic
Skulls: None
23 Apr 2023
the reason I bought an Xbox
16 Dec 2021
Today, on 1st of february 2025, i can finnaly say "i have Halo:CE". I have it on my old sony laptop from 2008, and it runs very good on it. This game is just special. I love it! Especially the soundtrack of it at the menu of the game. Halo:Combat evolved is a game i will never forget. The moment i booted the game i said "wow". I already knew the game is sensational. I like how at the start of the campaign there is a tutorial, so new players can adapt to it faster. This game is a masterpiece. The experience is unreal. Bravo Bungie.
01 Feb 2025
A must play for any fan of the FPS genre. All these years later and this game is still an absolute blast to play.
05 Jun 2024
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