Death's Door

20 Jul 2021

Nintendo Switch PlayStation 4 Xbox Series X|S PC (Microsoft Windows) Xbox One Android iOS PlayStation 5
8.7 rating
1919 want
3455 played
429 playing
177 reviews
Acid Nerve
Devolver Digital



Reaping souls of the dead and punching a clock might get monotonous but it's honest work for a Crow. The job gets lively when your assigned soul is stolen and you must track down a desperate thief to a realm untouched by death - where creatures grow far past their expiry and overflow with greed and power.

First of all I must say, beautiful fucking soundtrack wow.
Death's Door is an isometric hack n slash with a gorgeous pastel artstyle and challenging difficulty.
I had lots of with the 14 hours it took me to complete this game.
This game has sort of a Zelda like exploration where you can use items you obtain in the game to come back to past areas and explore places you couldn't access before, and I am a sucker for this.
However the absolute best part of this game are the boss fights. These boss fights are challenging but fair, and any boss fight where I can die 20 times and still have fun because the music pumps you the fuck up is certainly one of my weaknesses.
This game would be an easy 10 for me if it weren't for 2 downsides. The first being the fact that the level design is a bit samey and tedious, you can easily get lost (and not in a good way) or forget where you need to go. This is understandable as levels are kind of labyrinthy in design, however a having map would have eliminated the tedium.
The second downside is the amount of bosses. There was a severe lack of what was the best part of this game, and I'm sure if there were at least double the amount of bosses I would have been satisfied.
I definitely recommend this game to anyone wanting a challenging action game.
I really hope a sequel is in the works as this game has some amazing potential to become a masterpiece.
17 Aug 2022
great style, great humor
14 Dec 2022
Souls-lite with a very nice style. The game is very enjoyable, with a simple gameplay that rewards skill but doesn't require mastery. Did one blind run and one "handicapped" run. It is short, which is a quality nowadays among the plethora of 100+ hours AAA games.
09 Sep 2023
Music good
24 Jul 2023
Pretty sweet,the pot head npc was a delight ,the game in a whole was pretty well done.
25 Feb 2023
Not difficult bosses, just boring ones
29 Dec 2022
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