
16 Mar 2022

Xbox Series X|S Nintendo Switch Xbox One PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5
8.9 rating
3085 want
2898 played
550 playing
170 reviews
Andrew Shouldice



Tunic is an action adventure about a tiny fox in a big world. Explore the wilderness, discover spooky ruins, and fight terrible creatures from long ago.

A game like anything else I've experienced before, and something I deeply recommend going in blind. I did that, I was not disappointed in the slightest. This is one of the most clever games I stumbled upon and I'm absolutely delighted to have experienced it.

I've never played Zelda, but my best friend did and I talked to him about the story beats of Tunic and he told me about the parallels within it. It made me curious to try to play some Zelda game someday tbh, since it's obvious the love the developer had to it and I already loved this game so so much.

Also I really like how accesible this game is. I gotta admit I have NO patience in souls like battle mechanincs, and this game had everything to offer me to make my experience not frustrating while also keeping it challenging. It has a great balance of what you can and can't add as a helper, and there are few games that gave me this level of accessibility without making the game seemed dumbed down, Hades being one of them that pops up in my mind.

The puzzles can be difficult and you can get stuck in some places, but nothing terrible, and the "a-ha!" Moments make it worthwhile. The combat it's fun and engaging, and the story and its plot twists are amazing. I fell deeply in love with Tunic and it definitely deserves a place in my "favorite" list of games.
17 Mar 2024
I first thought of Tunic as an 8. It was fun and cool. I enjoyed a lot. But as soon as I beat the game and started doing the side quests and finding its secrets... Dude, it's on a completely different level. The amount of love and care put into the game's manual pages it's amazing. 🧡
10 May 2022

▪︎ Level Status
• HP Lvl: 6
• Potion Lvl: 4
• Def Lvl: 5
• Att Lvl: 5
• Stamina Lvl: 3
• MP Lvl: 4

▪︎ Manual Pages: 28
▪︎ Bells Rung: East Bell, West Bell
▪︎ Holy Hexagons: Green, Red, Blue
▪︎ Hero's Path: Stamina, Attack, Magic, Defence, HP, Potion
▪︎ Fairies Found: 10

• Weapons: Sword (E), Wooden Stick, Blue Dagger, Magic Rod, Magic Orb/ Hookshot (E), Gun, Hourglass
• Worn Items: Shield, Latern, Hero's Crown
• Usable Items: Dynamite (8), Bombs (6), Potion Bombs (10), Lure (3), Carrot (4), Blue Plant (14), Radish (9).
• Cards Owned: 12
• Cards Worn: 3
• Potion Flasks: 7
• Potion Flask Shards: 1/3
• Gold: 724

♡ Deaths: 47

** QUEST COMPLETED (03/2024) **
04 Mar 2024
+ beautiful art style
+ interesting world and level design

- combat is way more difficult than it needs to be
- constantly trying to figure out what to do next is interesting for a while… but got old. I resorted to using game help to tell me where to go next.
17 Feb 2024
Amazing game, perfect for fans of the legend of Zelda, with influences of the souls game giving itself some more original gameplay than we've seen lately in this genre, so far it's my game of the year, just outstanding
02 May 2022
Platinum time around 10 hours.


•A very beautiful 2.5D game that utilizes to the maximum the way a player can view the overworld with hidden paths at almost every corner, very reminiscent of old school Zelda games that give you very few clues of what to do and lets the player discover the next step in the adventure, also when you discover what the D-pad does in the overworld in specific places the game "clicks" with the player and opens up the game even more for exploration.

•Music fits the game really well with a dynamic battle/exploration themes depending on those situations. Its very well thought out, it even contains at times another alphabet, so even in sounds there is a puzzle.

•Battle system is rewarding but at times a bit too difficult, although it forces you to be more resourceful and encourages more exploration to discover powerful tools to use in order to overcome obstacles. A few weapons in the whole game but each is specifically designed to be used in various condition, although some are replaced by a better variants towards the end.


• Puzzles are at times really cryptic, I stumbled some times to some of them and required a guide to understand what was needed, especially the golden path which for me personally would have been impossible to discover alone.

• Lore is very cryptic, you get a bit of what the story tells, but if you want to get the whole picture you need to translate the whole guide which is written in the game alphabet.
15 Jun 2024
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