Dead Rising

08 Aug 2006

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 Xbox One Xbox 360
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8.2 rating
530 want
1305 played
83 playing
25 reviews
Capcom Production Studio 1


Time to beat

Main story


Main story + extras

17h 44m

100% completion

Based on 5 answers

Frank West, a freelance photojournalist on the hunt for the scoop of a lifetime, pursues a juicy lead to a small suburban town only to find that it is being overrun by zombies! He escapes to the local shopping mall thinking it will be a bastion of safety, but it turns out to be anything but. It's a true struggle to survive the endless stream of enemies, but with full reign over an entire shopping center, Frank can utilize anything to fight off the flesh-hungry mob and search for the truth behind the horrendous epidemic.

The survivors' AI is very infuriating. Hoping they fix it in the deluxe remaster.
03 Aug 2024
This game is super fun and a major throwback to the Xbox 360 days.
20 Jun 2024
This is a really good game but dated controls is mind-boggling but I got used to it once for a while.
25 Aug 2024
The only reason why you would like this outdated clunky time limited goofy nonsense is because of the some nostalgia memories. I played it for the 1st time and it's awful. Imagine if Bethesda and Ubisoft had a low budget game for speedrunners only, left it in the beta state and scenario was written by Clown Crusty. Just play remake instead, tho it's censored by DEI.
23 Aug 2024
A masterpiece, may be better than resident evil but that's my hot take
12 Jul 2024
Great zombie game. Dated controls and braindead survivor ai are the only thing holding this back from being a timeless classic. It practically already is.
08 Jul 2024
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