Dead Island 2

21 Apr 2023

PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5 PC (Microsoft Windows) Xbox Series X|S Mac Xbox One
7.4 rating
2774 want
1728 played
331 playing
150 reviews
Deep Silver Dambuster Studios
Deep Silver



The much-loved zombie saga is back with a unique formula of horror, dark humor and over the top zombie-slaying, spanning an epic pulp adventure. Dead Island 2 is thrilling First-Person Action RPG, stylish, vibrant and flooded with zombie infection. Explore iconic, gore-drenched Los Angeles. Meet larger-than-life characters. Slay countless foes in exquisitely bloody detail. And evolve to become the ultimate Zombie Slayer!

I recently completed the game, tackling all the side quests along the way. Overall, it's a decent game. The combat system truly shines, surpassing its predecessor by leaps. While it doesn't boast a fully open-world environment, it incorporates some open-world elements effectively. Personally, I lean towards a skill tree system, but I understand the developer's choice to employ a deck mechanic to ramp up the game's difficulty. The variety of weapon mods adds depth, allowing players to tailor their weapons and playstyles to their liking.

However, there are a few downsides, in my humble opinion:

• The game's lack of a fully open-world setting is disappointing. While the game world is expansive, fully exploring every nook and cranny requires considerable time and effort. I can't help but wish it had retained the open-world feel of its predecessor.

• The absence of human enemies such as bandits and the inclusion of outposts would have added diversity to the gameplay.

• A traditional skill tree system might have offered more nuanced character progression compared to the card deck approach.

• The original Dead Island had a somber, melancholic atmosphere that suited the genre well. While I appreciate the humor injected into Dead Island 2, at times, it felt a bit overdone.

• Personally, I longed for the tropical island setting of the original game. I believe the ideal setting for a Dead Island game would be a beautiful yet eerie island in Africa, South America, or Southeast Asia.

Nevertheless, I must commend Dumbester Studios for developing the game and keeping the flame alive for its fans. Despite its flaws, the game offers plenty of enjoyment and is worth investing time in. I remain hopeful for a Dead Island 3 in the future, with a return to the tropical island atmosphere and the expansiveness of an open world.
10 Feb 2024
Started - 4/1/24
Beaten - 4/26/24

Rating - 6.9 / 10

-Satisfying zombie beat-‘em-up with gorgeous set-pieces and a masterful map of Los Angeles-

Dead Island 2 does a ton of stuff right, and topples its predecessor in each area it succeeds. Improvements to combat, graphics, and weapons ensure a rip-roaring good time. See what I did there? Anyways, moving on, you can see flesh “rip” in the exact spot your, let’s say, axe catches a zombie. In first-person this is one of the more satisfying combat mechanics I have seen in a long time. This only lends itself to familiarizing yourself with the many weapons the game offers, melee and ballistic, another strength of the game. The zombie abilities for your character are more plentiful and fleshed out here as well, letting you “roar” before you slay. The enemy A.I. is excellent and the game stays a challenge even as you level-up.

The game world is absolutely gorgeous and the character animations are life-like in Unreal Engine 5. This is the first game I’ve played where I was really amazed by the graphical capability of the engine. The L.A. we’re given is fun to explore and there are surprises around every corner to ensure jump scares and unpredictability.

Where the game falters is in its story and characters. The satire here borders on parody, the problem being that the entire thing is one big joke that always misses the mark. It is very cringe, for lack of a better word. While the story never demands an ounce of seriousness, the characters demand less attention. Seriously each PC is such a badass at zombie-slaying it’s a shame, because I wish they’d die based on their personalities. Nearly every NPC is a cartoonish symbol of Hollywood, annoyingly peddling their selfish motives to you for XP. It just never quite stuck, and while I “get it”, and perhaps even support it, it was disappointing that it wasn’t funnier.

At least the game knows what it is. It is always fun, especially with a friend (the co-op is seamless), and never lets up on the sarcasm. If you wanna bash zombies for 30-some-odd hours, give this a shot.
17 Jul 2024
Super addictive gameplay, incredible level design, but absolute dog shit writing and characters. Complete cringe fest
19 Jun 2024
don't be hesitated to play this great game.
story is simple but also good and even different with other zombie games. gameplay is really fun and exciting beside its own challenges. graphic is awesome and environment locations are beautiful. music is enjoyable when you are killing zombie groups.
13 Mar 2024
It is a challenging game for a zombie genre and it's really good.
07 Mar 2024
My favourite Zombie game right now !! Much better with friends though !!
22 Feb 2024
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