Alan Wake Remastered

05 Oct 2021

Xbox Series X|S Xbox One PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5 PC (Microsoft Windows) Nintendo Switch
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8.2 rating
2190 want
3991 played
511 playing
300 reviews
Remedy Entertainment
Epic Games


Time to beat

Main story


Main story + extras

14h 9m

100% completion

Based on 65 answers

Alan Wake Remastered is an updated version of the original psychological horror action-adventure game developed by Remedy Entertainment. The game retains the core narrative, which follows bestselling thriller novelist Alan Wake as he struggles with writer's block. He visits the small town of Bright Falls with his wife, Alice, in search of inspiration. Shortly after their arrival, Alice mysteriously disappears. Alan finds pages of a thriller novel he does not remember writing, with events from the manuscript coming to life. He faces supernatural entities called the "Taken," who are controlled by darkness. The remastered version features enhanced graphics and improved performance, but the gameplay and storyline remain consistent with the original, focusing on themes of reality, fiction, and the power of the written word.

Played on: Playstation 5
Version: Playstation 4 (Remastered)
Edition: Standard physical

My first time playing & could already notice it showing its age. Not with its graphics, but within its gameplay. Repetitive, areas all look the same, & absolutely no variety with enemies. It's not a bad game by any means, it just didn't grab me fully. I love the concept of it all but I feel that it could have been executed in a much better way. Simple is better sometimes & here they try to do something ambitious (?) that ultimately comes off convoluted at times. I do like the Twilight Zone & Twin Peaks vibe it has & the atmosphere is flawless because of it. Always keeping you on your toes with its approach & lastly, the lighting is *chef's kiss*

Final verdict: Wait for a sale
13 Apr 2022
I'm pretty mixed on this one. On one hand, it's got an awesome spooky vibe throughout some pretty beautiful environments (at least of it's time), a nice soundtrack, quite an intriguing premise and some pretty interesting combat mechanics.

On the other, we have the level design, which hampered my enjoyment and tolerance of the confusing story significantly. Levels are stretched out for far too long, resulting in making the combat feel more repetitive and tiresome, and I could not care less for any of the characters save for maybe the titular character. For the entirety of the second half of the game, I just wanted to get it over with.

There were a few unique ideas in the levels here and there, but for the most part, most of the game's best ideas didn't really show up until the last dlc episode. At least the game ended on a high note for me, I guess.

I think I'd like and enjoy the game's story far more if they just made the levels a bit shorter. But regardless of how frustrated I was throughout most of this game, I'm intrigued by its story, and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes next.
12 Dec 2023
This game was painful, the stroy loved it at the beginning theh was progressing was painful and boring and was repeating the whole story, i go i get caught i run , day night etc.. like why and evey episode was like a torture, satyed for the ending ans got spat on my face , and i see there is 2 special if i need to understand the stroy more , pass .. not to mention the programing, 2 years to do anything pivk a gun turn the generator on stamina battery auh...loved bary and radio man were funny lot
01 Aug 2023
I Guess this is my Comeback
28 Mar 2024
Alan Wake more like Alan Sleeps With the Fishes
08 Feb 2024
This one is a mixed bag for me.
I really hated the gameplay, the whole deal with the flashlight got old fast and every enemy encounter felt like tedious work.
The story and atmosphere of this game is outstanding though, which is why I ultimately pulled through and finished it.
I'm looking forward to Alan Wake 2 and I really hope Remedy has something better to deliver when it comes to gameplay.
27 May 2023
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