Expanded game

Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition

20 Mar 2025

Nintendo Switch
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8.6 rating
458 want
159 played
119 playing
4 reviews
Monolith Soft



The year is 2054. Earth has been destroyed by an intergalactic war between two alien races, and humanity is on the brink of annihilation. A small number of survivors, aboard the USS White Whale, crash land on the vast and untamed planet Mira—and now it falls to you, as a member of BLADE, to help bring humanity back from the edge of extinction…with the aid of powerful giant robots called Skells! The visually enhanced edition of this open-world RPG contains newly added story elements and more. Take on tough foes in a robust combat system, and pilot powerful giant robots called Skells Choose from a huge variety of special attacks, skills, and classes in a combat system that’s as deep as you want it to be. Once you’ve proven yourself to BLADE, you’ll earn the right to pilot and personalize your very own Skell—a powerful machine that can fly, transform into a vehicle for fast overland travel, and wield immense strength in combat with customizable weapons and armor. Gather resources and take on missions to build the community of New Los Angeles As you go about the reconstruction effort, getting to know the people of New Los Angeles (NLA), you’ll build affinity with your party members and unlock quests for gear and other rewards. Join your choice of military organization within BLADE to take on even more missions—or even team up with up to 32 players from near and far online* in Squad Tasks, Online Missions, and extra-challenging Global Nemesis Battles!

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Fun but a lot of convoluted mechanics and frustration kinda kill the vibe some. For instance you get this red ball that floats and shows you a path to your destination.

Problem is , it will take you through a ton of enemies that can Kill you? Then the map can get super frustrating at times even with the damn ball cause sometimes it's best to not use it.

Honestly there is literally a ton to do in this game. My honest opinion is they should have introduced the skell much sooner.

Why? The map is big and running around on foot sucks , especially when around the next corner could result in a death trap that sets you back from a four min treck. Sounds silly but trust me it gets super old loosing your walking progress.

I guess makes for a more realistic type world. Like high level enemies mixed with low level enemies and so on.

Then there's so much mechanics to it , explaining it all at once would probably take an actual hour or more. So they kinda stretch it out and make it easier to digest. Problem with this is , it's still a lot to take in but the other problem is , you don't feel some things should be as complicated as they are.

If you like your JRPG big and full of mechanics look no further. For those who have limited patients try it out if you can before you buy it. Cause it takes a good 8 to 10 hours to get comfortable and learn everything. I have also played and beat Xenoblade 1 and 2.

I found out later on that this is pretty much those games , with just missions and way more to do without the heavy story and cut scenes. Which is also why I don't understand why they don't give you a skell sooner. Hell I would settle for a jet pack or something...anything to make it less frustrating starting out.

Once you get going though the fun picks up. Everything levels up it seems , even the fun factor.
23 Mar 2025
Im gonna put this on old for switch 2.

Currently have mixed feelings about it:
even though MMO style of gameplay isnt really my thing and i don't love the fact combat is semi automatic, with no actual consequence from the hit except a number coming out and a bar getting lower, i feel like this game could actually click with me. The music is beautiful and im interested in exploring the world. The scale of it just doesn't feel great on the small screen of my switch lite, and i'm also hoping to have a better and constant framerate on switch 2.
In the meantime, i think i'll try the first xenoblade since it looks it could scale a little better
25 Mar 2025
Enjoying it a lot
20 Mar 2025
$70 3/20/25
21 Mar 2025