Wii Sports

19 Nov 2006

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7.5 rating
58 want
2847 played
93 playing
84 reviews
Nintendo EAD Software Development Group No.2



Bowl like a pro or go for that home run... Experience Tennis, Baseball, Golf, Bowling and Boxing as you never did before. Thanks to the Wii Remote, each sport will be immediately familiar and easy to play. And, when you feel ready, challenge your friends and family: everybody will be in for some serious Wii Sports fun!

bring me back to the good old days
05 Jan 2023
I love this game with all my heart I just love everything about the Wii, I did some deep digging on 1 thing bad about this game or the Wii, only thing I found was that when you press the turn on button it makes a loud sound kind of like the PlayStation, but I think it wares off as you play, anyways I like the use of mii’s I like the little somewhat pixelated 3D animation, brings back a lot of memories. I remember this one dude in our friend group would always demolish us in this game, so we had to let him take a break and I just thought that was kind of funny. Nothing will ever top bowling a perfect strike and hearing the announcer say, “Strike”
02 Aug 2024
Never gets old
27 Mar 2024
Just the boxing *
15 Mar 2024
This is a perfect pack in game, but Tennis is worse than I remember and baseball is meh without another player. Bowling, Golf, and Boxing are all still great though .

High 7/10
27 Feb 2024
A world renowned classic that the world will never forget
01 Aug 2023
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