Wii Fit

01 Dec 2007

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7.3 rating
28 want
549 played
11 playing
8 reviews
Nintendo EAD Software Development Group No.5



Wii Fit is an exercise game consisting of activities using the Wii Balance Board peripheral. The game uses a unique platform peripheral called the Wii Balance Board, on which the player stands during exercise. The game features yoga, strength training, aerobics, and balance games. Wii Fit has been used for physiotherapy rehabilitation and has been adopted by various health clubs around the world. Additionally, the game has been used in nursing homes to improve posture in the elderly. The game has received generally positive reviews, despite criticism over the lack of intensity in some of its workout activities As of March 2012, Wii Fit has held the position of third best selling console game not packaged with a console, with 22.67 million copies sold.

the game has given me major trauma, from calling 7 year old me obese to the damn candle game where they would make sounds of someone WALKING behind and around you.
09 Apr 2024
10 Mar 2020
Fitness en consola.
03 Aug 2024
It was always fun to boot up every once in a while. Skateboarding was my favorite mini game.
04 Apr 2024
Lots of fun minigames that’ll keep you up and running and in shape! A fun way to exercise.
02 Sep 2020
Molto bello come "simulazione" di allenamento ma da bocia ero un pirla insulso
27 May 2024
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