Wii Fit Plus

01 Oct 2009

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7.9 rating
17 want
293 played
17 playing
8 reviews
Nintendo EAD Software Development Group No.5



Wii Fit Plus provides all of the original activities in Wii Fit in addition to fifteen Balance/Aerobics games (in a separate category called "Training Plus") and six Yoga and Strength-Training exercises unique to the game.

Amazing memories of me and my brother stacking books to see what the highest weight the balance board would recognize was (we got it to claim 600lbs as maximum. we did NOT stack 600lbs worth of books on there 💀).

The actual game is pretty fun, just as many legitimately good excercises as there are more fun minigames and a healthy mix of in between.
10 Aug 2024
I used it time ago but it's not a game i would suggest. Like there are yoga exercises but there isn't anything too fun besides the exercises you can do with the miis so there are better games nowadays but the mii part is good and probably the only fun part
05 Jul 2024
The game called me underweight but it was fun so I'll let it slide
27 Mar 2024
For a fitness game Wii Fit Plus gets the job done in every aspect. Minigames are very different and unique. And the Body Test basically gives you a physical from the comfort of your own home
25 Feb 2024

Step on me
13 Oct 2023
A big part of my childhood, I really loved some of the minigames and sports present in this game.

You play all types of minigames. Some are literal sports, like yoga, and some just typical minigames, but you move in game with physical movement.

An interesting concept, that holds defenitly some flaws. By being quite restrictive with the board, that you need to play the games. Because of it, many games are bland or tedious to play. But you also have incredibly fun games and gimmicks that gave me a lot of joy while playing as a pre-teen. A big negative though is obviously, that you have to buy a board as a controller, that is basically only for this game.
07 Nov 2022
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