Unicorn Overlord

08 Mar 2024

PlayStation 4 Nintendo Switch PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S
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8.6 rating
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426 played
126 playing
26 reviews


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Based on 6 answers

From the masterminds that brought 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim and Odin Sphere, ATLUS x Vanillaware presents the rebirth of tactical fantasy RPG. Fight against fate and embark on a royal adventure to regain your reign alongside trustworthy allies. Unicorn Overlord combines the timeless tactical RPG genre with overworld exploration and innovative battle system for a unique epic fantasy experience in the iconic Vanillaware style. Traverse a vibrant world, assemble units and direct them into exquisitely animated battles. Perform heroic deeds and grow renown throughout the five nations. Cultivate a grand army with over 60 unique characters, from humans and elves to massive beasts and heavenly angels

Fantastic strategy game mixing team building, turn based encounters, and real-time movement. Because the order of actions in encounters are predetermined, a decent chunk of time is spent fine-tuning your squads' composition, moves, equipment, and orientations. With the sheer number of combinations to choose from, you can replay the game with entirely different but just as if not more effective squads.

Story is mostly just there to advance the gameplay. If you've played any JRPG in the last 20 years, you know what to expect here. It's not necessarily bad, but it isn't all that interesting, which is a bit disappointing after Vanillaware had a much stronger story in 13 Sentinels. Fortunately, they keep everything relatively brief and to the point, so you aren't stuck watching 20 minute cutscenes of a boring story after every battle.

If you are a strategy fan, I strongly recommend the higher difficulties - I struggle on hard difficulty in most Fire Emblem games, but breezed through hard difficulty here without any grinding.
06 Oct 2024
I won't say it's a bad game, but it just didn't click on me. Once again, Vanillaware just recycling stuff. I've played for 20 hours waiting for a moment the story said something interesting, but it just didn't happen.
22 Sep 2024
Gameplay is out of this world good, I was so engaged with every squad set up a d chapter.
27 Jan 2025
Pretty good. Aesthetically beautiful as always with Vanillaware, gameplay is repetitive in its structure but never boring and has some depth if you wanna delve into it. Plot is alright, kinda reminded me of Triangle Strategy's exposition but never reaches its highs. Overall an enjoyable experience.
06 Dec 2024
A game with a lot of talking and not much plot. The game play, story, and experience felt average. I was engaged enough to finish it but in 6 months I'm going to need to check this space to remember if I played it or not. There was something superficial about every aspect of the game it looked good and it sounded like a good idea but none of it was jaw dropping or memorable. I would wait and get this one on sal.e
06 Nov 2024
Fun gameplay with great characters and some of the best stylizied art ever. Only drawback was a bland story.
06 Aug 2024
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