Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!

16 Nov 1999

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation Nintendo 64 Dreamcast
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6.5 rating
138 want
1048 played
47 playing
41 reviews
Traveller's Tales



Woody has been stolen from the bedroom, ready to be sold to the highest bidder by an evil toy collector. It's up to good friend Buzz Lightyear to fight his way through from the bedroom to the outside world in order to save Woody from the toy market and bring him home. All of the character from the 3D animated movie appear through-out the side scroller to help Buzz get to where he is needed. Along with the use of his cannon, Buzz can jump to hard to reach places, also useful in collecting the hidden coins that open bonus levels.

To infinity and beyond ✨️
17 May 2023
Movie tie-ins have an infamous reputation for sucking really bad, so this kinda surprised me. This is a genuinely competent 3D platformer. The movement is pretty standard—you've got a double jump, spin attack, a surprisingly functional mantle system, and a primary laser blaster attack. You can go first person with the blaster, and you can actually see the reflection of Buzz's face in the visor, which is SO COOL. The level design is shockingly good for some reason (except for Alleys and Gullies). The levels are huge and open, and have a crazy amount of verticality. There's even some impressively well-designed shortcuts that you can unlock to make returning to hard-to-reach areas much easier. Each level is filled with Pizza Planet tokens that require fun and interesting challenges to acquire. You can even keep playing after you collect them (looking at you Mario 64). There's some super fun power-ups to unlock, some even allowing you to go back and play old levels to get previously inaccessible collectibles. It's a blast. The bosses suck though, but what else is new?
05 Sep 2022
A classic, what can I say.
01 Dec 2024
Oh my days. One of my all-time favorites! I used to play this game all the time when I was a kid. I used Playstation 1 to play this. Now, I found a way to get back to this gem after all these years!
09 Oct 2024
N64 game only
31 Aug 2024
Okay, but like... Why so good? Peak music and level design! Camera is a bit shit though.
19 Oct 2023
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