The Plucky Squire

17 Sep 2024

Nintendo Switch PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S PC (Microsoft Windows)
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8.7 rating
2074 want
330 played
223 playing
18 reviews
All Possible Futures
Devolver Digital


Time to beat

Main story

9h 50m

Main story + extras


100% completion

Based on 3 answers

Storybook characters discover a three-dimensional world outside the pages of their book and must jump between 2D & 3D realms to save their friends in this charming action-adventure.

A cute little game. 2D art is just incredibly beautiful, 3d I see what they tried to do but me personally i would've preferred a style that tried to be less realistic, cause I really just wanted to go back to 2D parts. The concept is nice, the game never present a challenge, mechanics introduced are always used in easy puzzles, but I find it flows well enough in its linearity and especially its longevity.
It suffers from many little bugs on Switch that forced me to quit and reopen at least 5-6 times, might be adjusted in the coming days.
This is a cute little adventure that was pumped up with expectations from the community thanks to its beautiful art, so i can see many could come out of this pretty disappointed.
Personally i see it as exactly what the studio wanted to do with it and a great start for what could come out of them in the future, so im not disappointed at all, my suggestion is to forget the enormeous expectations some put into it
20 Sep 2024
- Gameplay: 8.5
- Story: 8
- Characters: 8.75
- Graphics: 9
- Sounds: 9.25
- Level Design: 8.75
- Performance: 8.5

Played on PlayStation 5
21 Sep 2024
Nem comecei mas já estou jogando 😬
17 Sep 2024
Escudeiro valente é um jogo muito bonito. Esse é o ponto alto do game.
A gameplay é composta por combate, puzzle e mini games, os mini games são divertidos, os puzzles são interessantes mas os bugs atrapalham e combate é muito fácil. O pior de tudo é que o jogo tem uma grande ênfase na narrativa, isso me desanimou bastante do jogo.
Um ponto extra é a localização que está 100% e com uma dublagem de qualidade
22 Sep 2024
O jogo é excelente, mas fui vítima da alta expectativa, estava esperando o novo It Takes Two e não é nesse nível, mas ainda assim é um jogo excelente!
20 Sep 2024
Inovador e criativo. Realmente uma das pérolas do mundo do games que trazem um respiro na mesmisse do dia a dia. Como eu queria ter jogado esse game na minha infância!
19 Sep 2024
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