
The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset

21 May 2018

PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac PlayStation 4 Xbox One
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7.8 rating
26 want
52 played
5 playing
3 reviews
ZeniMax Online Studios
Bethesda Softworks



For the first time in history, the long-closed borders of Summerset are open to foreigners by decree of Queen Ayrenn. But darkness looms over the ancestral home of the High Elves, and whispers stir of Daedric followers organizing in the shadows. Rally your allies, brave champions. Summerset awaits. Explore an all-new zone packed with adventure. Join the mysterious Psijic Order and gain powerful new abilities. Reunite with old friends, forge new alliances, and work together to unravel a conspiracy that threatens Tamriel's very existence.

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Played on: Playstation 5
Version: Playstation 5
Edition: Digital (DLC Expansion)

A review for the base game can be seen on that page. As far as this expansion goes, it is a really cool world & has some beautiful landscapes. Not too interesting with its quests or characters, but it is visually pleasing.

Final verdict: Wait for a sale
12 Jun 2023
29 Jun 2022
A ilha de Summerset é extremamente linda, contendo inimigos únicos e uma ambientação realmente de histórias élficas, enfrentar novamente um Daedra e usar o poder da Dawnbreaker é espetacular, sem dizer que o acesso ao plano de Artaeum e ao reino daedra de Mephala que é incrível.
02 Jan 2024