
Tactics Ogre: Reborn

11 Nov 2022

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 Nintendo Switch PlayStation 5
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8.5 rating
451 want
252 played
67 playing
10 reviews
Square Enix Creative Business Unit I
Algebra Factory
Square Enix


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

54h 30m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

99h 30m
100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 1 answers

Tactics Ogre, crown jewel of the tactical role-playing genre, is reborn! Based on the 2010 release, the game features improved graphics and sound, as well as updated game design, bringing to life a new Tactics Ogre that remains true to its roots.

slide 1 to 4 of 10
Great and Epic story but has too much contents and by the end of 1st play through after nearly 40 hours (Law Route) I felt like I had enough and watched the last battle on youtube.

Also the strategy in fights are boring and tedious near end game, it’s just a boss rush.
08 Sep 2024
Great game and the building block for the GOAT: FFT. I enjoyed the level cap (made things hard, but not impossible), and the auto-battle. As someone in my thirties with a kid, having auto battle was a god send. Ain’t nobody got time for grinding anymore.
04 Jan 2024
Tactics Ogre Reborn is a upgraded version of the original classic Tactic Ogre. The story line is extremely enjoyable, with plots, twists and turns at every stage and having the ability to make decisions truly does dictate our youth story will play out. That's a massive plus also on replayability as two playthroughs never pan out the same way (providing you select different options, and the characters who join you can be decision locked) I've had to rate this a 5/10 and I'll explain why.

I am a huge retro fan, especially of the tactical games of old such as Fire Emblem, Shinning Force and Final Fantasy Tactics. However, when you're going to remaster something I expect a remaster and this title just didn't feel like it received that treatment fully and ultimately left me expecting more. Changing your characters appearance upon job change would of bumped my score up but for the main characters, they're just the same sprite beginning to end despite the job you select which left me feeling like I was stuck with some really dull looking sprites. I also found the elemental mechanic confusing at times as there is so many options and selecting the right unit for the right job could be difficult with so little to go on.

Granted! I may not of played it properly, or I may not have paid attention enough, but for me the sprites were just a huge let down. If you can look past the negatives I've listed as they're personal preferences then this game would be a solid 8/10.
02 Jan 2025
A masterpiece remade. Didnt get the chance to play the original version but quite enjoying all the details and tactical depht in this remake. Not too keen on the sakespeare story writting, too complicate. Visuals are actually very good too.
21 Jul 2023
Tactics Ogre Reborn es un buen juego con un cúmulo de decisiones malas que enturbian el resultado final.

Esta edición se basa en un juego antiguo para super nintendo, es una especie de remake ya que es el mismo juego solo que "adaptado a los tiempos actuales", lo pongo entre comillas porque hay varias decisiones que se han tomado en esta versión que destruyen por completo algunas de las mecanicas importantes que tenía el juego en su día.

Había pensado en explicar en detalle este problema pero hay tantísimos pequeños detalles que se ven lastrados por estas nuevas decisiones que no terminaría nunca, solo comentaré el más problemático "Nivel máximo alcanzado".
El juego tiene el nivel máximo capado y va aumentando según vas jugando, esto que a priori no tiene mala pinta destruye todo el sistema de habilidades que tiene el juego, el cual suben junto con el nivel, hay una cantidad ingente de roles/jobs de los personajes que se ven afectados por esto y lo que es peor, si cometes el error de cambiar de rol a mitad de la partida, te quedarás para siempre con el personaje en cuestión en terreno de nadie y sin poder subir de nivel ni de habilidades. Este es un problema que afrontarán todos los jugadores en su primera partida porque el juego te invita a hacerlo y cuando te das cuenta del "error" debido a la mecánica de nivel máximo es demasiado tarde...

Si os gustan mucho los juegos tácticos podéis darle una oportunidad, creo que la primera partida no se disfruta mucho, pero las siguientes pueden ser interesantes. El juego además tiene un sistema de decisiones las cuales afectan enormemente a los acontencimientos, así que jugar varias partidas puede ser interesante para descubrir otros caminos, aliados o enemigos contra los que te enfrentas.

Le pongo bronce porque la mecánica de nivel máximo destruye el videojuego, tiene cosas buenas y cosas malas y en condiciones normales se llevaría una medalla de plata.
23 Apr 2024
Esse jogo é lindo e intrigante ao mesmo tempo: ao passo que o trabalho da pixel arte é linda, mais soberba ainda é a trama.

Sistema de combate excelente, variedade de classes, armas e magias, trilha sonora competente e, acima de tudo, honra o legado do gênero tático por turno.

Uma obra-prima.
29 Jun 2024
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