Shrek Treasure Hunt

18 Oct 2002

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N/A rating
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63 played
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6 reviews
The Code Monkeys
TDK Mediactive



Players control Shrek on a quest to find ten missing picnic items stolen by the Three Blind Mice. The result is an adventure through ten different locales linked together by the swamp. Players guide Shrek from a third-person perspective as they avoid mischievous swamp critters trying to stun them. Each area contains a mini-game that will reveal one of the lost picnic items once completed. The catch? Shrek must first collect a specific number of items to gain access to the mini-game.

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I really did not wanted to waste my time writing a review for this piece of garbage, but I'll do it anyway.

Shrek Treasure Hunt is a 3D Party/Platformer Collect-a-thon, there's barely any story here, the first cutscene tells the player something about Fiona leaving and Shrek having to surprise her with dinner or something, I don't care if that's not the story, nobody cares about it and it's just there just for being there, y'know?

When the game starts and can actually control Shrek, you'll realize you are onto a painful adventure. Most PS1 games runs at a stable 30fps which is nice, but this runs at a whooping 15fps and it's not a stable frame rate even. The controls suck and are a little bit delayed, and you don't want any of that in a PLATFORMER game.

The game barely offers any challenge, even if you pick the Hard difficulty. "But it's a game for kids" trust me, there's way better kids games out there that have somewhat of a challenge. Here, you don't have a health bar nor lives, nor anything + the "enemies" in this game doesn't do damage, they just push you (in Hard difficulty, you get one collectable out of your inventory), you just have to find the entrance to another area, collect some food/object there and boom, you'll unlock a minigame for that area. Each minigame is unique though, I'll give it that. There's a RHYTHM minigame here, with 15FPS... Please, kill me.

In some areas, there are keys, which are the main collectable in this game. You need 30 of them. Most of these keys can be found on the area Waterfall, the rest is locked behind some areas and to unlock you just need to do the minigame for that specific area (or do nasty speedrun glitches, since this game is so bugged). Once you get all of these keys, you will unlock the final minigame, which is a platformer.

You see, in the overworld/hub areas, there are a notable absence in platforming. You just traverse through almost flat fields collecting stuff in plain sight and boom, minigame time! But there are 3 platformer-focused minigames here, and prepare yourselves, because they are unbearable. They don't deserve to be that difficult, and it's only because of the framerate and controls. With time you'll earn confidence with the game and will be able to pass through these minigames in a breeze.

Now, what's after? Nothing. Just a cute cutscene with Shrek and Fiona. End of the game.

For the 100%, you'll need to complete all of the minigames (not hard) and doing so unlocks nothing, but trust me, playing the minigames rather than traversing the overworld, is MUCH better.

This game sucks and I hated it as a kid and I still hate it to this day. How come somebody play tested this and said "hmm... good"? Unbelievable. I don't recommend this game, skip it. I'm only replaying it right now because of a new set that arrived on RetroAchievements, if it wasn't for that, I would probably just pick up to play to make fun of the game.

Times beaten: 3 (2 100%)
Platforms: PS1, Emulator
Graphics/Visuals: 2/10
Controls: 0/10
Gameplay/Mechanics: 0/10
Performance (could affect rating): 0/10
Sounds/Music: 1/10
Story: 0/10
Replayability: 5/10
Rewards: 0/10
24 Feb 2025
I have to say not the ok platformer. the controls are stiff and weird. there is no good point about this game. simply a less than average game.
15 Jan 2021
El peor juego de Shrek que he jugado hasta la fecha.
23 Oct 2023
Esse jogo é muito ruim não vale a pena não perca seu tempo com esse jogo o problema desse jogo são os bugs jogue o frame gente dele que é ruim é melhor jogar no emulador do que no PlayStation 1 porque no console ele roda muito mal os mini games são simples alguns nem tanto a história desse jogo é qualquer coisa os gráficos são feios até mesmo para o PlayStation 1 a jogabilidade é terrível e o jogo é curto sério não perca o seu tempo afinal um jogo do Shrek
16 Jan 2025
30 Nov 2022
--Versión jugada: Playstation 1--
--Nota final: 7.0--

Juego de minijuegos, puzles y uno que otro elemento de plataformeo, es entretenido, sencillo pero bastante entretenido a la larga.
03 Oct 2022
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