Resident Evil Code: Veronica

03 Feb 2000

N/A rating
235 want
679 played
38 playing
27 reviews
Eidos Interactive



Resident Evil Code: Veronica is the fourth video game in Capcom's Resident Evil survival horror series. The game continues the survival horror gameplay of its predecessors: the protagonist explores the surroundings, fighting monsters and solving puzzles. However, it is the first game in the series to do away with pre-rendered backgrounds using a fully polygonal 3D engine instead, which allows for features such as real-time lighting and camera movement. Still, such movements are only used sparingly, and the use of perspective is mostly unchanged from earlier installments: the camera automatically switches to different static angles showing protagonists, monsters and rooms from different spooky viewpoints.

Code Veronica is a rough game at places. A major problem with the game is its rushed pace of its third act and many of the design choices like not providing a smoother weapon/inventory transfer or even separate sets of weapon/inventory like RE2 does, since both of its playable characters, Chris and Claire, are in a way reliant on the same set of weapons.
Though like any RE game, by the end you will have enough ammo to take out an army, so that is not the problem. And if you play your cards right and try to avoid shoot or take a beef with every zombie you come around with, then you can even save green herbs for the final boss. Though, my advice would be to just have three sets of ultimate herb mixture (red, blue, and green) for the final boss, the assault rifle, the bowgun with only explosive arrows in it as the rest are useless for the final boss, and a grenade launcher loaded with your favorite grenade type. Trust me. That's all you need for the final boss as she is even easier than something like the tyrant from the first re, just maintain your distance and let the guns do the talking. Unlike re3, you won't have to make sure to take every good weapon you could to defeat Brute like nemesis.

Anyway. Coming to the game. It is the weakest mainline entry in the series so far, but that doesn't mean it is bad by any means.

While I do have some complains about the level designs reliance on backtracking and enemies soft locking you against a wall if not careful, the levels and the entire set piece of both the ashford facility (including the mansion, the underground water base, and the military facility) and the antartic facility are smartly designed like a labyrinthian maze, and in beginning all of that may feel overwhelming when you see those multiple pathways that curve to other places and those multiple shortcuts that appear, but just like spencer mansion, once you get used to them, you start seeing the brilliance in their design and genuine artistry. I would even argue that on pure artistic and structural merit, the location here is even better than spencer mansion and feels even more isolating even though it has more open spaces than spencer mansion, which is a point i will have to give.

Now about the gameplay, half of you will probably hate it and half may love it.
I have only played the base dreamcast version for now (and i believe code veronica x just adds extra cutscenes while leaving the levels as it is) but if you chose type c controls instead of the default type a controls, then that's the closest you will get to the classic re controls with few minor exceptions. Trust me on that, because type a is horrendous to play through.
Anyway, once you get hang of controls, they feel as good as any other re. Though they did took somethings out that was added to re3 that I wished they put in. Still the gunplay is the same and it still feels satisfying when you tactically run in such a way that zombies fail to get you or if you headshot with them eith a shotgun.
Though, at certain points, since this game is entirely 3d like dino crisis 1 but not as good at placing cameras or defining their dynamic movements (though not bad or even as egregious as dino crisis 3), there would be moments where you won't know which direction the enemy is coming from. That does add to the horror at first, but it also adds to frustrations at few points when you know where they are but don't know if your shots connecting or not. Though again, they are fewer and i didn't find them egregious as something like dino crisis 3.
Now the music, amazing.
The puzzles, well not as good as re3 but still cool enough. Nothing brain busting but you will have a fun time with them. The puzzles here are closer to re2 than re3 to be honest. So mostly its get a key to unlock things with only few that may require some brain activity from you.
The bosses and art design, amazing looking.
The story....well, good until the third act which severly rushes things.

To summarize due to limit on word count, the game has its issues but i love it nonethless.
27 Jul 2023
Best side, I hope she get a remake or remaster.
12 Jul 2022
claire redfield mata a un homosexual 0/10
22 May 2024
wonderful, one of the best resident evil games
17 Apr 2023
Great visuals, awesome story, and badass ending but the game also is quite unforgiving like ya gotta be sure ya find all the key items and weapons ya need like the grenade launcher or the dragon fly pieces in order to progress or else you'll end up being punished into starting over.
11 Jul 2022
Underrated game for sure 👍
01 Jun 2022
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