Expanded game

Pokkén Tournament DX

22 Sep 2017

Nintendo Switch
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7.7 rating
190 want
526 played
63 playing
18 reviews
Bandai Namco Entertainment
Nintendo of America
Nintendo of Europe


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Based on 1 answers

Pokkén Tournament is a fighting video game and the first Pokémon title for the Nintendo Switch console. Take direct control of one of 21 prized Pokémon fighters to defeat other Pokémon in arena fights. Call upon Support Pokémon to assist in the fight, then unleash your Pokémon's unique Burst Attack to climb atop the ranks. With all new modes and new ways to battle with friends, this is your chance to become champion of the Ferrum Region!

I love pokemon but this...this wasn't fun at all.

I would say this is like Tekken but with pokemon...

Sadly the roster of pokemon is very small (around 20?) and as you have to fight at least 20 times at each league (there are 3 or 4 of them I don't even know) you end up fighting against the same pokemon over and over and over again (I really really hate you Blaziken 😭). And honestly the game itself is just a simple button mashing.

There is some kind of story but...I really didn't get that interested to keep going through the boring fights over and over again.
29 Oct 2024
Rieview game
01 Dec 2024
Just ok, I expected a little more from this. I mean, the battle are every Pokémon fan wet dream, but aside from that, the great avatar customization and some decent graphics for a Wii U game, there isn't anything really worth it.
08 Sep 2024
Esta bien pero necesita mas pokimones.
Secuela cuando?
24 Nov 2023
Entretenido pero algo repetitivo. Me pareció absurdo que un juego de peleas de Pokemon no incluyera ni Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan o Primeape .
19 Nov 2023
10 Oct 2023
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