Pokémon X

12 Oct 2013

Nintendo 3DS
8.7 rating
568 want
3709 played
268 playing
93 reviews
Game Freak
The Pokémon Company



An all-new 3D Pokemon adventure packed with never-before-seen Pokemon will launch worldwide in October 2013. Pokemon X and Pokemon Y will present a new generation of Pokemon, and introduce players to an exciting new adventure in a breathtaking 3D world.

The last truly elite pokemon game that was made. Although people aren't fans of the starters, I found them to still be ok besides Greninja who's one of the best starters ever. For the rest of the game, everything about it was amazing, even giving you more starters half way through. New pokemon have incredible designs as well. Simply a must play pokemon game
30 Dec 2023
absolutely phenomenal game. the post game is a little unfinished, but the story is great and it’s one of the more easier pokemon games. a must play for pokemon fans
13 May 2024
Nice graphics new gameplay
13 Jan 2024
when this game came out i hated it, then i bought it and played it, and hated it just a little less
21 Dec 2023
I think X more than any other game goes to show how much pokemon relies on pokemon to be popular. Without 600 cool little critters roaming around in this game, it would be beyond dull. But with that amazing pokemon team building you have quite a good time. In all honest I should give this game a lower score for rescuing a tired 6 game old formula. But like come on hawluchas in this game. Still however it's not that good...... Also game freak you terrible company ran entirely by hacks bring back megas.
02 Dec 2023
The reason why I bought a 3DS. Damn miss those 3DS days. 😭
05 Apr 2023
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